Chapter 21

Author's Note:

Here's the extra chapter for reaching 700 votes! The next goal is 900 votes.

Thank you for the support guys, I didn't expect that this book will have this much support. I feel like I'm disappointing some of my readers because I can't give them a great quality. I can only apologize for now but I promise I'm trying my best to give it my all.

I really appreciate those readers who gave me some advices about my writing, and it makes me ponder over things. Again, thank you guys!


"Good morning, kid. I see you're up early, and you must be here to take your new updated ID card." The old man said while the two kids with him also said their own morning greetings.

"Good morning, everyone. That's right I'm here to get my new ID card, sir." I said politely while Liz said her own greeting after.

"Alright, I'll just take it. Wait for me." The old man said, and got going to get my ID card.

"Let's do a pokemon battle before you leave, Rem." Karl said while Kole was nodding.

"Alright but let's make it a dual battle. You two against me at the same time. You both up for it?" I said since I didn't want to waste time fighting them. They're both weak, and I'm sure that this battle will end even without me instructing my pokemon.

"Fine but don't cry at us when you lose." Kole said. As if I'll lose to these two.

And soon enough, the old man returned while holding an ID case. He learned about his students' challenge, and then decided to be the referee in the match.

The match soon started, and it only took a couple of minutes for my pokemon to absolutely wipe their pokemon. 

"That's a great match, Rem. We'll train hard so that in the future we'll be able to beat you." Karl said after the match ended. 

"That's right. Wait for us to grow stronger, and will beat your pokemon in time." Kole said.

"That's great, and I'll wait for you two to grow strong. Don't make me wait long though." I replied.

"Alright, leave the kid alone you two. Here is your new ID card." The old man then gave me a bronze colored ID card with my name on it. It also has a Beginner Trainer written on it. 

"Thank you, sir." I said, and was about to leave but the old man stopped me.

"Don't leave yet, and I'm here to teach you something that beginner trainers need to know. Let's go in my office, and have a short talk." The old man said, and I just nodded.

Soon enough, me and the old man arrived at his office. The others was left outside since they aren't qualified to hear what the old man is about to say.

"Alright, sit down and relax. I'll first tell you about pokemon moves. Did you know that pokemon moves can be upgraded, and honed into a better form?" The old man asked.

"No, sir." 

"Well, the pokemon moves are generally divided into two more levels of mastery which are the mastered level, and the perfected level. At the mastered level, a pokemon's move will have an increase in effect. For example, if your beedrill's iron defense was used at it's normal mastery level, it will only increase it's defense by 2 stages. But at the mastered level, it's defense will increase by 3 stages, and it will be executed faster." The old man explains. This information greatly shocked me, and I eagerly focused my attention to the old man.

"At the perfected level, your beedrill will be able to increase it's defense by 4 stages, execute the move fast, and it will also be able to use one more move at the same time. For example, your beedrill will be able to use iron defense and focus energy at the same time as if it's a single move. This can also be improved further like if your beedrill has perfected the mastery level of iron defense, and focus energy then it can add another move which can be used at the same time. This means three moves at the same time." The old man continued.

This came a shock when I learned this, and I want to immediately get out of here to train my pokemon's moves.

"But of course training a pokemon to reach that level of mastery will be hard. My strongest pokemon only has a few moves at the perfected level, and mind you it already live for such a long time which can be seen at my old age." The old man said which woke me up from my dream.

"Next, I'll be talking about another topic which is about the potential of pokemon. They are divided into 6 levels which are the 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star, and 5 star. The last one is something that only very rare pokemon will get, the 6 star potential. All of the pokemon can have a 5 star potential by using expensive items but the 6 star potential isn't acquirable by that method." Once again, I was shocked by hearing a new information about the potentials. 

"A pokemon who has a 6 star potential can normally found in those pokemon which has a different kind of skin color compared to their normal kind. We call these kind of pokemon as shining pokemon but it's currently being called shiny pokemon. Younger generations are calling them that, they're saying that calling it shining pokemon is weird, and it's better to use shiny pokemon. The new generations have no taste at all like us old ones, you agree right, kid?" The old man asked me, and I know I have to give him an answer which can please him.

"Of course, sir. Your naming sense are much better than us from the new generations ha ha ha ha." I said while trying my best to laugh naturally.

"Great! But don't get your hopes up in finding a shiny pokemon. Only those from specific powerful clans can breed a shiny pokemon, and can be rarely find in the wild. Only three people in our region without clans affiliated to them have a shiny pokemon." The old man while having a sad smile.

"Do you have a shiny pokemon, sir?" I asked since I'm curious.

"Nope! Those pokemon are out of reach for me." The old man said with a sad smile. He must be wanting to have one, and I don't blame him since I also want one.

At least, I'll have a better chance in getting one since I'm affiliated with a clan. This means that my clan must have shiny pokemon on them, and they breed those too. I can only hope that the clan gives me one if I show more worth in me, and that's me only having a wishful thinking.