Chapter 22

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for today!

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"One more thing, do you know about the different power levels of a pokemon?" The old man asked, and I just shook my head.

"The power levels are divided into 7 levels which are the infant level, beginner level, intermediate level, advance level, grand level, elite level, and the champion level. Each of these levels are further divided into 3 tiers. The 1st tier being the weakest, and the 3rd tier being the strongest.

At the infant level, pokemon are newly born, and are very weak. The 1st tier are weak, and can only handle pokemon similar to wild caterpies while the 3rd stage are capable of fighting wild spearows.

The beginner level are pokemon which have the strength of an average beedrill. At the first tier they can fight beedrills evenly while the third tier is when they can fight evenly with a snorlax. Your pokemon are at this level, and close to the 2nd tier.

At the intermediate level, pokemon in this category are mostly fully evolved already except for those very few talented pokemon. They'll also atleast have one move at the perfected mastery level when one reaches the 3rd tier.

For the other levels, you'll know them in the future. For now this amount of information is enough." I nodded, and understood that I'm still weak to know the information for the other levels.

"That's all I have to tell you, and I'm unable to tell other informations to you until you're an intermediate trainer at least. I'm sure I don't have to be the one who explains those thing to you since a different gym leader will explain that to you by that time." The old man explains, and while this one was happening. I heard a mechanical voice in my head, and blue screen appeared in front of me.

[New information has been acquired, and the system will upgrade it's data base. It will take 15 minutes to process… Please stand by…]

Hearing that, I was surprised and happy since an upgrade will happen to my system. The current system is already enough for me, and now it's getting a better version of it.

"Thank you for the information, sir." I said.

"No thanks needed, I'm just doing my job. Don't speak about this information to other people who hasn't reached the beginner trainer rank though, or you'll be punished by the region if they found out." 

I nodded, and said my thanks. I was about to get up from my seat but then the old man spoke again.

"I'll recommend training your pokemon first before challenging any of the pokemon gyms, or you'll be completely destroyed with how weak your pokemon currently is. I'll say about a 2 months training will suffice, and letting your pokemon reach beginner level 2nd tier before going to the next pokemon gym. I'll recommend going to the pokemon gym of the viridian city which is south of here." The old man said, and I took note of his advise. Since he's saying I'm currently weak then I'll do what he recommends, and train my two pokemon first.

"Thanks for the advise, sir. Any place you can recommend for me to train, sir?" I asked since a gym leader's advice is better than me going to anywhere my feet can take me.

"I'll recommend going to the viridian forest but don't go too deep, or you'll only end up in a dangerous situation. You'll also need to pass through there if you're going to the viridian city. There is a human made road there, and there are some pokemon rangers stationed close to the road so you can go close to it if you want to have an easier time crossing the forest. I'll also recommend going to the poke mart, and buy some books pertaining about the viridian forest." The old man recommended.

"Thank you, sir. I'll be going now, and start my pokemon's training tomorrow." I said, and gave a bow of respect since he gave me this much help than I thought he'll do.

I then got outside of his office, and said my goodbyes to Karl and Kole. I then told my plans to Liz, and bought everything I needed. I bought 50 pokeballs since I plan to catch pokemon which I'll sell on the black market. I then bought repellants which costs 200 Kanto dollars each. I bought five of those, and I then bought a guide book pertaining the viridian forest which costs 1000 Kanto dollars. 

The total cost was 7,000 Kanto dollars, and this left me with about 12,500 Kanto dollars. The 500 Kanto dollars that is deducted came from the stays in the inn. 


Before sleeping at the inn, I looked at the new upgrades that the system has. 

The system has many new features, like having a new function where the system will judge what mastery level of a pokemon has. It also added a new potential level which is the 6 stars, and power levels were added to my pokemon's stats. Still it's a great upgrade to have.

We then slept in the inn for the last time, and when morning came we went on the journey for the viridian forest. I plan to stay 2 and half months in the viridian forest before continuing our journey to viridian city. 

I already read the guide book for the viridian forest, and most of the pokemon there consist of pikachu, the caterpie line, the weedle line, the pidgey line, the rattata line, the spearow line, the ekans line, the oddish line, the bellsprout line, and many more.

The book also talked about rare items which can be found in the forest but those rare items are hard to come by, and some powerful pokemon are guarding that item since it's precious for them.

The deeper one goes in the viridian forest, the more one will see evolved pokemon. The viridian forest is larger compared to what the game has shown. It also consist of many strong pokemon that can defeat my pokemon's current strength. This place is perfect since I can find many pokemon which can match zubat and beedrill's strength.

A day's worth of journey, and we arrived at the entrance of the viridian forest. We rested for the day first before going to the forest. As I've said before, it's better to travel in the morning compared at night. Many strong pokemon might be wondering about, and even with zubat's ability in hearing sound waves, it's better to be careful.


A month has passed, and I only used that time to train my pokemon with Liz's pidgey. The pidgey became a bit decent in protecting Liz better, and now I don't have to worry about Liz. 

It can handle the weak beedrills and butterfrees on it's own. While my pokemon became stronger, and learned new moves.

Zubat learned the moves quick guard, air cutter, and haze. While beedrill on the other hand learned pursuit, poison jab, agility, and pin missile. Beedrill is showing how great her potential is compared to zubat, and it can be seen by how many moves it learned.

I can also say that they almost have the same level of strength this time. I also changed my training for them, and let them only focus on training one move. 

Zubat only trains his move confuse ray while beedrill trains her focus energy. Zubat's confuse ray is great, and I plan to make him master it perfectly fast. With confuse ray perfectly mastered, he'll be able to use supersonic at the same time. This means it will greatly enhance the chance of making an opponent confused.

While for beedrill, I made her train focus energy since her ability sniper will be greatly pair with it. Focus energy can only be used once, and it increases the critical hit ratio by two stages. If beedrill reaches the mastered level of this skill then she'll increase it into three stages, and at perfected level, it will increase into four stages!