Chapter 24

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for today. Also, extra chapters will be posted after every 200 votes.

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Zubat then flew around fearow while using swift. Fearow then became disoriented because of the swift move coming from different directions, and can only use the move focus energy to wait for an opportunity to attack.

Zubat then used confuse ray. Fearow was expecting that a swift will come again, and was surprised when it saw a confuse ray coming. This made it unable to dodged, and got confused again.

Zubat took this chance to use poison fang consecutively to make fearow have more poison inside it's system. Fearow woke up after zubat's series of attacks, and it used aerial ace again. After that, it used pluck, and fearow made a critical hit again.

Zubat was severely damaged, and was about to counter attack but was cut short by fearow's aerial ace. He got hit again, and fearow continued to attack zubat with consecutive aerial ace.

Unable to fight back, zubat became a punching bag. After a couple of aerial ace, fearow became tired, and zubat was severely wounded. Fearow was about to get ready to give it's final attack but then zubat started to glow.

It's evolving, and seeing this, I threw the toxic orb at zubat's direction. Zubat caught it, and swallowed the whole orb in. Fearow stopped it's attempt to attack, and just used roost to gain it's strength and health back. Evolution is a sacred thing to pokemon, and even if their opponent is evolving, they won't take that chance to make a sneak attack.

Fearow looked at us but I wasn't afraid of it to attack since I have beedrill beside us. Also, I made beedrill use all of her stat boosting moves to be ready to save zubat in case of an emergency, or to save us from any kind of danger.

A few minutes passed, and soon a golbat appeared. I looked at it's stats, and I noticed that golbat has an increased in potential. Now, it has the same potential of beedrill. He also learned two new moves which are Venoshock, and Screech. Not only that but it's power level also reached beginner level (3rd tier).

Fearow looked at golbat, and the same can be said by golbat. Golbat then used venoshock which deals an insane amount of damage when an opponent is poisoned. Fearow though was poisoned earlier, and golbat's move greatly wounded it when he drenched it with poison.

Fearow got hurt, and used aerial ace to counter attack. Golbat was hit but this time, golbat withstand the attack without being thrown off. Golbat then countered attack by using confuse ray. This made fearow confused, and golbat ended the battle with another consecutive venoshock.

Fearow's body got knocked down on the ground, and it has many purple marks on it's body. It's body is full of poison, and I'm sure it will die after a few minutes without receiving any treatment.

"Great job out there, golbat! Also, congratulations in evolving." I said to golbat, and I can see him giving me a proud expression with happiness mixed with it. Beedrill also went to golbat, and said some pokemon words to him which I don't have any clue what it is.

While we are celebrating for golbat's evolution, we didn't know that a pokemon is currently stalking us. I signaled them for us to leave but suddenly a huge mushroom appeared with an insect connected to it. Golbat was too distracted by his evolution that he didn't listen clearly to the sound waves of the surroundings.

It was a parasect, and it was using x-scissor. The attack was actually going at my direction, and with my small pitiful body, I can't dodge. Golbat and beedrill wasn't fast enough to take cover for me since the parasect took us by surprise.

I can only crossed my arm, and pray that I'll survive the attack. I looked at parasect's attack, and didn't close my eyes, and I saw something covering me from the attack.

It was Liz, she took cover for me, and she now has a huge wound on her back. It was in an x-crossed shape, and I'm now asking myself why she did this. I mean isn't she a spy from the clan. Why would she cover for me?

"Why..?" I asked with a quiet voice.

I couldn't believe it, and for the first time in a while, I got guilty to see someone hurt because of me. This feeling felt new to me since I never felt compassion for other people for awhile except for my pokemon.

I must be going crazy to feel this again, and I don't need this kind of emotions since it'll only hinder me. That's what my mind is telling me but then my body suddenly moved on it's own, and ordered my pokemon to finish parasect quickly.

"It's because… you're my master. It's my job to… protect you… even if it will cause… me… my life…" Liz spoke answering my question earlier.

"But I haven't even accepted you as my personal maid! I don't even trust you! I don't know how to trust you! You'll only suffer as my maid. I'm a nasty master that you'll regret having." I said the things on my mind which happened because I wasn't thinking straight anymore.

Liz only smiled at me, and closed her eyes.

"Don't you dare sleep! We need to get you out of here, and get you some treatment." I said while I did some basic medical care to her. I closed her wound with the bandages in her bag.

Golbat and beedrill finished off parasect while this was happening, and pidgey was panicking around.

"Golbat come here, and carry Liz. Beedrill you'll be my ride." I said, and tied Liz's body with golbat so that her body won't fall off. Golbat is about 1.8 meters tall, and he can easily carry Liz with ease. Beedrill also grew, and she's now 1.3 meters tall. My body is small, and beedrill can easily carry me too.

"Pidgey don't panic, your trainer will be fine." That's what I'm telling myself though. I then signalled my pokemon to fly fast.

After an hour of flying, I saw a camp situated close to the road of the forest.