Chapter 30

Author's Note:

Here is the chapter for today! Don't forget to leave a like in the tags, vote, and comment!

I've posted the chapter earlier because we'll be having a power interruption in our place. So, if there are any mistakes in the chapter please comment. I'll check it later, and then change it. I just rechecked this chapter fast, and I don't know if I skipped a mistake.


"It seems our aunts got defeated earlier than we expected, Vedalia." The other girl said.

"Hello, fellow trainer. My name is Vedalia, and this is my sister Vanessa. We're from the Butterfree Clan." The other one said. I can't really differentiate the two of them since they're identical.

It seems this is one of the clans in the region, and I don't know if they're a strong clan or not. I don't even know if my own clan is strong too, or not.

"We are given a chance to let test our new pokemon given by the clan, and we want to see how these pokemon of ours fare with other pokemon. Please give us a match which we'll never forget. You ready?" Vanessa said.

"Alright, then let's begin the battle." I simply said, and signalled my two pokemon to come forward. Golbat and beedrill flew towards the stage with confidence.

"Your pokemon looks strong but the same can be said from ours too." Vedalia said, and then took out a pokeball. Vanessa also did the same, and threw it.

"Go, Atala."

"Go, Anise."

Two butterfrees came out but they're both special compared to the other butterfrees I've seen so far. They are both shiny pokemon. One of the butterfrees which I think is Anise has a white skin with green eyes, and it also has white wings. While the other one which I think is Atala has a black skin with red eyes, and it's wings was colored orange with black edges to it.

It seems that these two girls aren't just normal clan members from their clan. I think they are both important figures from their clan since a clan won't give two shiny pokemon to just anyone. I should take this chance to befriend them, and take advantage of it. I might get some benefits from befriending them.

I looked at the two butterfrees' stats, and I can see that they both have a 6 star potential which I already expected. They both have the same combat power of beginner level (2nd tier). It looks like they just got their pokemon since it's still weak. Most likely, they got it from like a month or 2 since pokemon with that potential gets strong fast.

At 6 star potential, a pokemon has a learning speed and training speed at 2 times faster compared to the 5 star potential.

I then looked at the two butterfrees' abilities. The two butterfrees has the abilities of compound eyes and tinted lens. The compound eyes increases one's accuracy with 1.3 times which means moves that has a 70 percent chance of hitting will instead have 91 percent chance of hitting. While tinted lens, makes the pokemon's 'not very effective' moves deal regular damage.

Both abilities are great, and I also want those ability since it's kind of overpowered. Imagine they can deal regular damage even if it's not supposed too. They can also use powerful moves that has low accuracy since with compound eyes, they both can increase those moves' accuracy.

I then quickly looked at their moves, and they both have the same moves which are bug bite, gust, harden, string shot, tackle, supersonic, tackle, confusion, poison powder, sleep powder, stun spore, psybeam, whirlwind, air slash, sunny day(T), solar beam(T), protect(T), and swift(T).

This would have been a hard battle if my pokemon has the same power level as them but it's not that much considering that my pokemon are still stronger than both of them.

The only thing that I have to worry about would be the sunny day, and solar beam combo since even if grass type moves aren't effective to my pokemon they will still deal regular damage because of the butterfrees' tinted lens. As for the moves confusion and psybeam, I don't have to worry about that since my pokemon are great at dodging attacks.

With that, I'm prepared to face these two butterfrees without fear.

"Golbat, confuse ray." I practiced with my pokemon to let them execute my order on their own by only giving them a few instructions.

"Beedrill, electroweb."

"Atala use stun spore then use gust to spread the spore."

"Anise cover Atala then use protect to defend from the attacks if the opponent is going to."

It seems they want to inflict status moves first before going for an attack.

"Both of you move back. Beedrill, use the buffing strategy. Golbat, use the smoke strategy." I said. Smoke strategy is about filling the battle arena with smoke by the use of haze. Golbat will then attack from different angles to distract the opponent.

While for beedrill, she'll be using her stat boosting moves, and will then appear after she's done. She moved a bit further from the smoke which golbat made since it can make all of the boost stats back to normal.

With the field filled with smoke, the butterfree wanting to use stun spore was unable to hit golbat and beedrill. This wasted the two butterfrees' moves.

"Anise use sunny day."

"Atala use gust to blow away the smoke."

They we're about to execute those moves but was then hit by swift. Golbat took that chance to use confuse ray, and this made the two opponents confused. Golbat then flew towards the two pokemon, and then used poison fang.

The twins can't see what's happening to their two pokemon since the battle ring is filled with smoke. I can also say that to myself but I'm confident that my two pokemon can handle themselves.

Golbat continued harassing the two butterfrees with poison fang, and then flew away once he saw the two butterfrees' waking up from their confused state. The two butterfrees got poisoned which was a great outcome. Golbat then continued using haze to thicken the smoke in the battle ring. While golbat was distracting the two pokemon, beedrill was continuously using her status boosting moves, and it seems that she'll finish doing that by a few seconds.

"Atala, cover Anise then use protect."

"Anise, use whirlwind continuously until all the smoke is gone."

"Golbat, move back. Use venoshock." I said since the smoke filled stage will be gone soon. While that whole ordeal was happening, beedrill has already completed her tasked of boosting her stats.

Beedrill has used focus energy, iron defense 3 times, and even agility 3 times. This made beedrill a terrifying opponent at the moment. It seems that the battle is finished.

The stage was soon cleaned from smoke, and the two butterfrees' can be seen to have many purple spots in the body. It's a sign that they are both poisoned.

"Atala use gust"

"Anise use sleep spore with it."

"Beedrill, rage." I said. Before the two butterfrees can use the moves told to them, beedrill arrived in front of them then used rage.

Soon, golbat also arrived beside them with the use of quick attack then used poison fang on both of the opponents making them more poisoned. Golbat then used venoshock further inflicting damage to them.

"Anise use protect."

"Atala use protect."

Sadly for them, beedrill was so fast that she took out the two pokemon with 2 more rage while golbat continues using venoshock in the background making a poison shower for the two pokemon. And soon both of the butterfrees got knocked out.