Chapter 31

Author's Note:

Here's the extra chapter for reaching 600 votes! Thank you for the support!


"We lost… This shows that our pokemon needs more training, sister." Vanessa said while going to one of the butterfrees, and then fed it a potion and an antidote. Vedalia also did the same.

"That was a great match. My name's Rem by the way." I said since I want to befriend them. While I was saying this, they were tending to the butterfrees.

"That was a nice match, Rem. You're younger than us but you're talented. Even though we didn't used our main pokemon, it's still a win." Vedalia said while she returns her butterfree to it's pokeball, and Vanessa did the same.

I'm curious how strong their pokemon are, and it must be okay to ask for me to see it since a kid is normal to be curious. Plus they don't know I'm from a clan so they won't suspect. Another one is because they're still young, and I'm sure they'll be swayed by my cute face.

"Thanks for the praise but I still need more practice. Can you please show me your strongest pokemon? I want to see one to get inspiration to keep working harder." I said while showing my cute face.

The twins looked flustered when they heard my plea, and soon they nodded. They both took out a pokeball, and soon another two butterfrees came out. This time it was a normal colored one.

"Wow, those two looks strong!" I said trying to fake an amazed expression while doing it.

"Of course, this two are strong since they are our starter pokemon." Vanessa said while showing a proud smile. She then caressed one of the butterfrees.

While this was happening, I looked at the two butterfrees' stats. They both have a potential of 5 stars while also having a power level of intermediate level (3rd tier). They also have a variety of moves, and one of their moves are at the perfected level! These two kids are not really normal members of their clan.

I assume that these twins are the daughter of their clan head or something. I mean, if they aren't then what could they possibly be?

"Can you give me some tips in training my pokemon to become that strong?" I asked since the two might give me valuable information.

"Well, I can give you one. One thing is to give them love, and let them battle many pokemon from pokemon trainers. It's effective when a pokemon trains with another trainer's pokemon compared to just letting them battle wild pokemon. This is based on experience though." Vanessa said.

"Another one is to let your pokemon only focus on one single move. It's best to focus on only one since it can help master a move faster. That's all that we can advise you." Vedalia said.

All of the things they have said, I already know of them, and I'm using those methods. I didn't got any valuable information from them.

"Thanks, I'll try to do those things." I said while smiling.

"You're welcome, and come visit us sometime. We'll be going now since we need to go back to our main clan, or else someone will get mad." Vanessa said, and they both gave a wave of goodbye.

"Alright, please be careful on your journey then." I replied, and waved back at them. I then continued to walk upstairs to face my final battle.

A few minutes of walking, I arrived at the rooftop of the tower. The tower has a flat rooftop, and a big statue of a butterfree is on the middle. A chair was in the middle of the giant butterfree statue. Also, a battle ring was situated at the middle of the place.

An middle aged woman was sitting on the chair, and she was looking at me up and down. She is wearing the same kimono dress like those from the women earlier.

"It seems you're a skilled one, kid. You actually defeated the two prodigies of our clan. My name is Valerie by the way." The middle aged woman spoke after a few minutes of observing me.

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm here to clear the tower so that I can challenge the gym leader." I said.

"I know that's what they always say when they visit the tower. The gym leader of this city is actually my brother, and he does this since he wants to train the people in our clan. Also, because his lazy to fight trainers." She said while saying the last part quietly.

"Then let's do the pokemon battle fast since I still have a massage treatment later. A one on one battle so choose your pokemon now." She continues.

"Yes, ma'am. Go, golbat." I said, and golbat flew towards the stage while screeching loudly.

"Hmm… Go, butterfree."

A butterfree came out, and I looked at it up and found that it has a power level of beginner level (2nd tier). It also has the ability tinted lens. It knows the moves bug bite, gust, harden, string shot, tackle, supersonic, confusion, poison powder, sleep powder, stun spore, psybeam, whirlwind, protect(T), rest(T), electroweb(T), and sleep talk(T).

"Are you ready, kid?" Valerie asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good, then I'll toss this coin, and when it lands that will be the start of the match." She then tossed a coin up in the sky, and it soon landed on the ground.

"Golbat, confuse ray." Golbat was about to execute that move but the opponent immediately used supersonic when the match started. Golbat saw this, and then flew sideways to dodge the attack.

Thankfully, Golbat was fast and he immediately dodged that attack.

"That's a technique in pokemon battles. It's better to let your pokemon use a move immediately when the battle starts even without your instructions. Doing this can make your pokemon have some advantages." Valerie said. Hearing that made me inspired to use that method in the future battles.

"Alright then enough of that. Butterfree, sleep powder then gust." She said.

"Golbat, gust."

Butterfree used sleep powder then used it's move gust to scatter the powder towards golbat's direction but golbat also used gust to make the sleep powder stop at it's tracks.

While this was happening, butterfree used another supersonic without Valerie's instructions. Golbat also used supersonic which neutralize both of the attacks.

"Golbat, smoke strategy."

"Butterfree, whirlwind."

Golbat used haze to create smoke but the created smoke on the battle ring was lifted up by whirlwind. The butterfree is being harder to deal with than I thought. It is weaker but the opponent is using tricks to counter my golbat's attacks.

"Golbat, poisoning strategy."