Chapter 35

Author's Note:

Here's the extra chapter for reaching 1000 votes! Thank you for the support everyone!


"Do you still want to continue fighting, Beedrill?" I asked.

Beedrill nodded, and then lifted her stingers up. She then made beedrill sounds as a sign of her will to continue fighting.

"Good. Let's show mister Vhan what we're made of." I said.

"Let's see how strong your Beedrill is. Go, Scyther." Vhan said as he throws a pokeball.

A Scyther appeared, and it has a power level of beginner level (2nd tier). It's the same with the Pinsir, and I'm sure Beedrill can handle this match too.

I first checked it's abilities, and found that it has two which are Swarm and Technician. Swarm is an ability which increases the bug type moves by 50 percent one's it's total health is lowered by a third. While for Technician, it power ups weak moves by 50 percent. Two abilities which are pretty simple but also useful and powerful.

The next thing that checked are it's moves which consist of Quick Attack, Leer, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Wing Attack, Double Team, Double Hit, Slash, Focus Energy, Agility, Sword Dance, Air Slash, Protect(T), Acrobatics(T), and Roost(T).

As soon as Scyther got out, Beedrill summoned an electric net by the use of electroweb. Scyther tried to dodge but Beedrill was faster since it still got her stat boost from the earlier fight.

Scyther got hit, and Beedrill was about to hit it again by the of Poison Jab. Beedrill wants to poison it which is great but Scyther prevented her attack by creating a spherical light shield. It used Protect, and Beedrill has no choice but to step back a bit.

"Scyther, Double Team."

Scyther soon split into three images, and Beedrill looked at each of it but couldn't find the real one.

"Beedrill, Missile Strategy."

Beedrill then attacked all of the Scyther with poison sting and pin missile. All of the clones got hit, and soon a single Scyther was left. But as soon as that happened Scyther split into many copy of itself again by using Double Team.

"Scyther keep using Double Team, and add Agility with it."

All of the Scyther nodded, and soon many Scyther was in the battle field. Beedrill tried to destroy all of the clones by using the Missile Strategy but after destroying a clone, Scyther will summon more.

"Beedrill, Rage."

Since, hitting any of the clone isn't helping then I'll just try to let Beedrill boost her attack stat by attacking the Scyther clones.

Beedrill nodded, and went on a rampage into the Scyther clones on the battle ring. This happened a couple of times before all of the clones got destroyed.

Beedrill looks tired but one can still see the will of her to fight. A single Scyther was left on the field, and it looks like it just finished using Agility to increase it's speed by 6 stages.

"Scyther, Sword Dance."

"Beedrill, Poison Jab."

Beedrill nodded, and attacked Scyther with Poison Jab. Scyther tried dodging the attack and sometimes parrying it but Beedrill still overwhelmed it. Scyther got hit so many times, and Beedrill planned to hit it again but was then stopped by the use of Protect.

Scyther got poisoned, and sustained many injuries because of the attack.

"Scyther, use Roost."

Scyther then glowed with a white color, and soon most of it's injuries was gone but it was still poisoned. Beedrill was about to attack again but Scyther used Double Team and created many clones.

"Scyther, Sword Dance."

Scyther did that, and all of the clones used Sword Dance. Beedrill then used that chance to use Rage again.

All of the clones got destroyed again, and soon only a Scyther appeared. Beedrill then run after it again with her stingers turning into a purple color. She was using Poison Jab again but this time Scyther was able to dodge it because of Quick Attack.

"Scyther, Double Team then use Focus Energy."

Scyther then used the Double Team technique again while using a stat boosting move. I should let Beedrill learn this move once I got the money for it. It's a pretty useful move.

"Beedrill, Rage."

Beedrill has already boosted her attack stat completely, and it seems that Scyther will only fight Beedrill head on once it's finished boosting it's stats.

Beedrill finished destroying all of the clones except for one, and it seems that Scyther finished boosting it's stats. This will be a close combat fight since most of Scyther's moves are needed to be in direct contact with the opponent.

"Scyther, Fury Cutter."

"Beedrill, Rage."

Beedrill and Scyther soon faced off with one using it's stingers to stab the foe while the other one was using it's white scythes to fight back. Beedrill was still stronger than Scyther but it's impressive how Scyther was able to fight back with Beedrill. It's possible to fight back since Scyther has the ability of Technician, and also the move Fury Cutter is much more stronger compared to Rage.

They did this after a few seconds, and soon Scyther glowed with a green aura with it. It looks like it's HP got down into a third. Soon, Beedrill was getting overpowered by Scyther.

Beedrill moved back a bit, and Scyther did the same. Beedrill looks better compared to Scyther but she still fairly got damaged because of it.

"Beedrill, Rage."

"Scyther, Fury Cutter."

Beedrill and Scyther soon faced off again. This time, Beedrill is clearly outclassed because of Scyther's abilities, and moves. Beedrill is losing, and it seems like Beedrill will also activate it's ability Swarm soon.

By that time, I still have to let Beedrill use Rage since off setting the use of it will reset back the stat boost she got from it. Unexpectedly though something happened while Beedrill was using Rage, her whole body turned red, and even her eyes turned red. Her body looks like it was enveloped with flames.

"Your Beedrill unexpectedly learned a new move. It looks like it's Outrage, and it seems it will be our lost but I won't give up because of this. Scyther, Air Slash."

Beedrill flew towards Scyther with her stingers turning red with flame like aura coming out of it. While Scyther, has it's scythes enveloped in a white light with a small cyclone revolving around it.

Soon both of them attacked at each other and a cloud of smoke appeared between them. The result was…