Chapter 36

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day!

I also have an announcement to make. I can't do extra chapters for this week since I'll get busy but for daily chapters, it will still continue. Anyway, thank you for the support!

Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


The cloud of smoke disappears gradually, and a shadow was soon seen. It was Beedrill, and her body was still enveloped by a reddish aura. Scyther can be seen on the floor, and knocked down.

Beedrill has done a great job in defeating two pokemon in a row, and I'm glad she did.

"Gym leader Vhan's Scyther is unable to battle, and Rem's Beedrill won the match! Challenger Rem has won the pokemon battle, and shall be rewarded with the viridian gym emblem." The referee announced, and I can see his amazed expression by the result of the battle.

Once hearing the result, I run after Beedrill and the reddish aura on her soon deminshed. Beedrill fall to the ground, and I hugged her after she fall.

"Great job, girl. You've done great, and showed them who's the best." I praised her, and golbat was talking too with their pokemon talk.

I caressed Beedrill's head, and then gave her a potion I got from Liz.

"Scyther, return. You've done great, kid. Wait for me while I get the gym emblem for you." Vhan said as he walks away.

I tended to Beedrill's needs first while I waited for Vhan's return. Soon, Vhan returned with a small box.

"Here it is. The viridian gym emblem. This is a proof of how great of a trainer you are. Two more gym emblems, and you'll be an intermediate trainer by then." Vhan said as he gives me a gym emblem which has a butterfree design on it. The butterfree though has the pincers of Pinsir on it's head while it's arms are instead white scythes like Scyther's.

"Thank you, mister Vhan. Can I ask a question before I get going?" I asked.

"Of course, kid. Just ask, and I'll answer it since that is my job as a gym leader." Vhan said.

"Do you have recommendations to where I should head to next? I mean, which pokemon gym do you think I should go next, mister?" I asked.

"Hmm… I recommend going to Pallet Town. Even if it's a town much smaller than the cities, it still has it's own pokemon gym. With your pokemon's current strength, you'll be able to match the pokemon gym there. Be careful though since the pokemon gym there can counter almost every type of pokemon." Vhan explains.

This is something new, the Pallet Town actually has a pokemon gym unlike what I knew. It seems that I'll visit the famous little town where many famous people came from like Ash, Professor Oak, Red, Blue, Gary, and so on.

"Thank you for the advice, mister Vhan. I'll go there then, and make sure to win the pokemon gym in there too." I said, and then said my goodbyes to him.


I went to the pokemon center first since I want to make sure that Beedrill is completely fine. After going there, I went back to the inn and met up with Liz.

Liz was training her pidgey in the training grounds while reading a book. She was smiling while doing that, and it looks like she's enjoying her time.

"Hey, Liz. I finished getting my second gym emblem." I said, and Liz put down her book.

"That's great, master. Congratulations on winning your second gym emblem." Liz congratulates.

"Thanks. I also plan to go to Pallet Town after three days so make sure that our supplies are ready before we go on our journey." I said.

"Yes, master. I've already bought a huge bag for our travels, and it's prepared for everything we need for the journey." Liz replied.

"Great, then go do your thing. I'll just go and eat something first."

"Don't forget to put poison on your food, master." Liz reminded me. This tradition of poison resistance training is really a hassle.


Three days soon passed, and we continued our journey towards Pallet Town. In between of Pallet Town and Viridian City is a forest. Unlike what I've known, there is actually a forest in here which is called Pallet Forest.

It's called Pallet Forest since the Pallet Town looks after this forest. They also made a road here for easier travel but I plan to stay for a month here since I want to catch some pokemon for selling. I also plan to first raise Beedrill's potential before fighting the next pokemon gym.

When I get plenty of money, then I'll make both of my pokemon learn new moves from the move tutors. I'll have to consider about the new moves that they both should learn next.


A month has passed, and finally Golbat made his move confuse ray reach the mastered level. This time the range of the move increased by 1.5 times, and at the same time the move is executed 2 times faster.

While for Beedrill, she was also able to reach the mastered level for her Focus Energy. The move can now increase her critical ratio by 3 stages instead of 2. This made it sure that her hits will have a 75 percent chance to land a critical hit.

Beedrill also learned 2 new moves which are Peck and Venoshock. While for Golbat, he didn't learn anything new which was understandable since he learned almost every move learnable by leveling up in the game. He can learn other moves but I don't know the methods of the move tutors in teaching a pokemon moves.

It actually took 3 months of only focusing on a single move for them to reach that mastery level. The next goal would be reaching the perfected level. It seems a year of practice would be needed before they can reach that mastery level though.

I don't intend to train them too hard since it's better to train steadily. I also caught 35 pokemon with good potential ranging from a 2 star potential to a single pokemon that has 3 star potential. I'll get rich again once we've sell these pokemon off.

Currently, we are continuing our journey towards the Pallet Town, and we're almost arriving in it.


A few minutes of walking, and we soon arrived at the entrance of the town. It looks peaceful, and it has a small number of houses compared to the city which I have expected already.

We're stopped by a police officer jenny like every time we enter a city. After she was done checking our IDs, we were allowed to enter.

The town has many meowth walking around. It even has some jigglypuff singing around but it didn't made people fall asleep. It instead has a soothing ring to it making me feel relaxed.