Chapter 42

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


More wild pokemon continued coming one after the other. Beedrill was getting tired and I let her switch position with Golbat to make her rest a bit.

The wild pokemon was easy to handle since most of them are weak and they all are focused on running towards the town. I also caught some pokemon which has better potential, and those that has a power level of beginner level and above. I caught 20 pokemon so far and I'm glad that I joined in protecting the town since I took such great benefits from it.

It's been two hours since then and the wild pokemon are already dwindling in numbers. In about an hour, the wild pokemon will be handled completely.

I haven't seen Sam yet, and we don't have any information about her current fight with Charizard. I feel something bad from that though, and I can only hope that she survives so that we have a greater chance in fighting that monster.

An hour passed, and the wild pokemon has only 1/4 of the current numbers they had earlier. I also caught an extra 10 pokemon which made me happy. Unfortunately though, some of the trainers and their pokemon died because of this event.

In my line of defense only a few died which was about 3 trainers together with their pokemon. Some of the trainers with me also lost some of their pokemon. Some are injured which are currently being healed by the 3 Nurse Joy. The group who has the highest casualties are in the intermediate trainers. 5 trainers actually died together with their pokemon. It seems like some advance level pokemon went pass by Vhan, the police officer jenny, and the 3 advance trainers.

It seems that it was still better to be in the back lines since it's relatively safe compared to those in the middle and the front line.

"To those remaining wild pokemon! Retreat, or else will be forced to eliminate you all!" Vhan shouted, and his pokemon also did the same by saying some pokemon words which I obviously didn't understand.

Soon enough, the wild pokemon ran back to the forest. I together with my two pokemon immediately sat on the ground. The other trainers also did the same and they all have a relief expression on their faces.

"Great job, everyone! Now, rest up! I'll go to where Sam is, and see how she is doing. The three advance trainers along with the officer jenny will be in the lead while I'm gone!" Vhan shouted then he returned his pokemon except for Dodrio which run towards the forest.

Soon Vhan was gone, and the 3 advance trainers ordered us to go line up into 3 rows. The 3 Nurse Joy will then divide themselves to the three rows to heal our pokemon.

While this was happening, I looked around to find where Liz was. I found her, and she looks fine except that her face and clothes is full of dirt.

"You okay, Liz?" I asked her when I got to her side.

"Yes, master." She answered back seriously.

"Good. Where is your Pidgey by the way? I don't see it with you." I asked while looking around.

"Well, Pidgey is gone…" Liz said. I frowned when I heard that, and was about to comfort her but stopped from what I heard next.

"Because Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto, master!" Liz said while smiling.

I worried for nothing. This girl! I glared at her. I wanted to smack her head for making me worried, and I did by jumping then hitting her head. It was only a playful hit though and won't cause any pain.

"I thought something bad happened to Pidgey!" I replied.

"Hehehe… it was only a joke, master. I read that making jokes can make you close to people." Liz said while chuckling. This girl is becoming more open as days pass by. I don't mind though since it's boring to talk to Liz before. She was like a robot that was only programed to serve and please you.

"Where is Pidgeotto then?" I asked her since I still haven't seen the pokemon.

"It's in my pokeball, master. I wanted Pidgeotto to rest for awhile." Liz answered, and I nodded. Golbat and Beedrill was still beside me since I don't want them to be gone by my side. I don't want any unexpected thing to happen which might endanger me while the two was gone.

A few minutes passed, and it was our turn next to heal our pokemon to Nurse Joy. It only took a few minutes since Nurse Joy just fed my pokemon with potions. She then gave me some food and water to eat with my pokemon. I then thanked her, and took a spot where Liz was resting.

I ate the food given to me, and also gave my pokemon their food. We rested for an hour while waiting for Vhan and Sam to return. I talked with the other people around me, and they're surprised and amazed that I was able to protect the town together with them despite my age.

We are just waiting for Vhan and Sam to return but an unexpected guests arrived. 20 Skarmory was flying down towards us, and I can see people riding those pokemon. They are all wearing samurai armor which was called karuta. All of them was in red color except for one which is in black color.

"It seems the plan has worked, Commander." One of the guys riding the Skarmory said.

"Of course, it will. I planned that out, and the people of Kanto will soon feel the wrath from the Johto region!" The guy wearing the black karuta said.

"Prepare yourselves, stupid people of the Kanto region. We'll start our revenge by destroying this small town of yours! Soldiers, take out your pokemon and start beheading these mareeps!" The guy wearing black shouted then landed in front of our group while throwing five pokeballs.

The five pokemon came out which are Weavile, Magcargo, Houndoom, Steelix, and Ursaring. They all have a power level the same as the pokemon of Sam and Vhan.