Chapter 43

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.

Hello guys! I'm still busy so I won't be able to give extra chapters again this week. I apologize for that. Don't worry though since I'm currently at chapter 55 but I don't plan to post them as extra chapters yet since those are still drafts. Also, I wish you'll like the surprise on chapter 51. Golbat has a surprise for everyone. ;)

Anyway, the winner for the shiny pokemon that the MC will get is Gengar! Congratulations to those who wants that! It actually won with a landslide, and it will be colored white!

Also, check out the new pokemon regional variants that the Pokemon announced! There are Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Braviary, Wyrdeer (evolution of Stantler), and Basculegion (evolution of Basculin)! The Hisui region was the Sinnoh region so maybe I'll call the Sinnoh region as Hisui region or not? This is an AU anyway.


The other people from the Johto region also summoned their own pokemon. Most of them has 4 pokemon each and they are Weaviles, Houndooms, Ursarings, and Magcargos. All of their pokemon are at the advance level.

It looks like the Johto region planned everything that is happening here. I don't know how they have done it but I and Liz have to get out of here.

"Everyone, ready your pokemon! We have a difficult fight we are about to face! We have to unite and fight these guys together, or we won't survive this!" One of the advance trainer with us said.

All of the other trainers on my side nodded, and readied their pokemon again to fight. I won't be joining them though since this is a fight where we can only lose. It's better to run now, and use this chance to sacrifice the other trainers here so that I can escape.

"Hey Liz, let's go and run with stealth. We don't have any hope in surviving this fight." I whispered at Liz. I then signalled my pokemon to follow me.

All of the other trainers are already fighting the people from the Johto region, and they are losing terribly.

Liz nodded but looked conflicted, and we then moved towards the town entrance while faking that we are fighting back. I used Golbat to use Confuse Ray while Beedrill was using the Missile Strategy. We moved back while doing that so those other trainers on our side won't notice our retreating actions.

A few minutes after, and we are already at the entrance of the town. The 3 Nurse Joy was looking at the slaughter happening, and I can see their scared expression. They'll most likely be killed here since they are valuable assets for the region.

"Let's go, Liz." I whispered to her, and then run off without looking back. I can hear the 3 Nurse Joy shouting at us, and asking where we are going but I didn't look back. Any person will know that we don't have a chance in winning this fight. They have a grand level trainer along with many advance trainer while we only have 3 advance trainer along with some officer jenny. It is a hopeless fight.

"Were should we go, Liz?" I asked her.

"It's better to go to the forest behind the Pallet Town. We can hide there, and wait for the situation to settle." Liz answered as we ran back.

I can hear many people and pokemon screaming while other people are laughing as if they are enjoying it. The people from the Johto region are enjoying themselves from the slaughter that they are doing. I can only hope that the elite trainer can come quickly, and finish these guys off.

We run off, and soon arrived at the south exit of the town. I looked back, and I can see flames raging on the houses. I can hear many screams, and I don't know what to feel from this situation. I felt so many mixed emotions like anger, pity, helplessness, fear, and more.

I don't know what to do but only block the consciousness that's telling me to go back and help those people to not get killed.

I run faster fearing that the people from the Johto region might catch up, and kill me next. I feel ashamed from being a coward but also proud that I am. It was conflicting, I felt I did something wrong by leaving them behind but also feel that I did something right since I will survive from what I have done. While I was running off, I looked at Liz and I can see her regret in her eyes.

She must also feel the same but we aren't strong enough to do anything. I can only just promise myself that I will grow stronger so that I can do something better next time. The strong desire to grow stronger emerged from me again.

After awhile, I got tired of running and instead just rode my Beedrill so that I can rest for a bit. This body is really hindering me, I can only wish that I can grow up faster.

We soon arrived at the forest, and I relaxed once we are in there.

"Let's stop for a bit and rest. We'll continue to run again after a few minutes." I said to the group.

We all sat down on the ground while looking at Pallet Town being burned to the ground. While we are looking at this, a pokemon suddenly landed on the ground from the sky.

It was a Dragonite and it was 3 meters tall. It looked emposing and has many scars on it's body. A person was riding the Dragonite, and it was a man wearing a full black clothes with a cape.

I looked at the Dragonite, and found out that it has a power level of elite level (2nd tier). It was powerful, and has many set of moves. It also has many perfected moves which was amazing.

"Hey, kid. What happened here?" The person asked, and I just felt a force making me answer the question without thinking.

"The people from the Johto region is attacking, and they are currently burning down Pallet Town as we speak. I don't know if there are still survivors left…" I answered quickly.

"Hmm… those pesk don't know the consequences for doing this. Anyway, I'll be going now, kid. Hide here, and I'll comeback later." The man said and the Dragonite flew off. The wind blew when it left, and all of us was thrown off the ground.

"What a strong person…" I said while still processing the event that happened.

"That must be the elite trainer which Sam said earlier, master." Liz said with an amazed expression.

Those people from the Johto region will be finished when that man and Dragonite arrives. I don't know if there are will still be survivors from the Pallet Town when that man arrives though.

"Let's rest here for an hour, Liz. We'll wait for that man and Dragonite to come back since they said that they'll return." I said to Liz. I don't want to offend that person since he can kill me with his Dragonite without a sweat.