Chapter 46

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


The next morning, Liz prepared breakfast with the help from the three elders. The kids looks lifeless, and they aren't even eating much of the food that was served to them. I did not got mad at them though because of the recent tragic events that happened to them.

I walk towards the kid that has the Oak surname since I want to make a great impression to him.

"Hey, can I eat with you?" I asked the kid.

The kid nodded, and just played with his food while staring at his food after. He didn't ate his food but instead kept playing with it.

"My name is Rem. What's yours?" I asked him.

"…Gerald Oak." He answered weakly.

"Hmm… Okay. You can ask for my help if you need anything." I told him. I then continued eating my food but not forgetting to put poison on it.

Gerald was silent the whole time, and I did the same since he might get annoyed when I speak to him frequently.

"Can you… umm... help me grow stronger?" Gerald suddenly said. It was quiet, and I almost didn't heard it. I smiled when I heard this though since this can be my chance to make a connection with him.

"Of course! I'll gladly help you. I'll teach you everything I know from being a great trainer." I told him.

"T-thank you… Rem." He shyly said.

"No problem. Eat your meal first, and just call me older brother." I replied while messing his hair up.

Gerald nodded, and then started eating his food. My goal of making a connection with him is working. Later, I'll give him a pokemon from those that I caught yesterday.

After a few minutes, we finished eating. I then signalled Gerald to follow me. He followed me to a place that is far from the camp we set up.

"Let's start here. First, I'll give you a pokemon. Don't worry since I'll be giving you pokemon which is easy to tame." I told him, and then pondered which of the caught pokemon I have should I give.

I planned to give him a Rattata or a Pidgey but decided not to since those are really easy to tame. I want to give him a different one which is a bit greater than those two pokemon.

In the end, I choose to give him a Meowth. This pokemon is easy to tame but a bit harder compared to a Rattata or Pidgey.

"Here is the pokemon I'll be giving you. That pokeball has a Meowth inside it. I want you to first try to tame it, and don't worry since no harm will happen to you. We have Beedrill here to protect us." I told Gerald while caressing Beedrill.

Beedrill then showed her stingers to Gerald then did a series of stabbing at the air. Gerald then nodded, and threw the pokeball.

A red light appeared then a Meowth came out. It's body was full of bruises since Beedrill beat the poor thing before I caught it. This Meowth has a 2.5 star potential, and has a power level of infant level (3rd tier).

The Meowth then looked around, and found me and Beedrill. It immediately got scared and turned around but only found Gerald on it's way. It meowed threateningly, and Gerald got a afraid. Gerald was about to run away, and I have to do something or everything will fail.

"Don't run away! I thought you want to be strong? Where was the Gerald that asked for my help earlier? Don't you want to get stronger to avenge the death of the people you love? Will you just waste this opportunity, and run away like a coward!?" I shouted at him to trigger his anger and hate.

"I'm not a coward!" Gerald then run towards the Meowth and gave it a punch.

"Listen, M-meowth. I'm going to be y-your trainer so listen up and o-obey me starting from now on!" Gerald shouted then started beating up the poor pokemon.

Meowth got mad, and was about to attack Gerald back but Beedrill gave it a look which made it stop. The Meowth can't do anything but accept the beating it was receiving from Gerald. The punches of Gerald though wasn't that painful but he was hitting the bruises that Meowth has making it a painful experience.

Soon, the Meowth was crying and I think this was enough for it to follow Gerald obediently to some extent.

"Hey stop! I think the Meowth already got your point, Gerald!" I shouted to the kid, and this made him stop.

The Meowth has a fearful look towards Gerald, and it was shivering from the pain it got.

"Gerald, don't always do this method to tame your pokemon. Sometimes, it is better to give them care. Go and take care of Meowth's wounds. Also, feed it some food and talk with it about your plans in the future." I advice him, and he nodded.

I then gave him some berries and potions which he fed to Meowth. I took an hour just watching the two get closer. The Meowth was thankful for the treatment it got from Gerald but I can still see that it's not that friendly with him considering that the kid just give it a beating.

It looks like Meowth will follow Gerald but won't risk it's life when a sticky situation happens to him. The relationship of Gerald and Meowth though will improve in the future. It will take time for both of them to trust each other.

"I recommend letting Meowth being outside it's pokeball, and letting it instead walk along side with you. This can somehow help you bond with your Meowth better. Also spend time with it, and don't go beating the poor guy again. Understand?" I told Gerald.

"Yes, older brother. I'll take care of Meowth properly. Also, Meowth I'm sorry for my actions earlier. I was too angry to think about anything else that I forgot about the consequences of my action. I'm sorry." The kid said, and Meowth just meowed. It then caressed it's head on Gerald's hand.

"Alright, let's go back and see how the camp is doing. I hope that a rescue team will arrive quickly." I told him while walking towards the camp.