Chapter 45

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


We looked around the inn we are staying in to look if our supplies are still salvageable. Fortunately, we did find it but the bag containing our supplies was half burned. Half of our supplies was unusable anymore so we can't bring it with us.

"Go find a usable bag for our supplies, Liz." I told her and she did found one which was also burned but it was still usable unlike our current bag.

We then transported our supplies in it, and then looked around the town to find if there are any other items suitable to take. We first looked in the inn but didn't found anything valuable.

We then look around the poke mart, and found some items and foods that are still usable. There was also some books which Liz gladly took. We also found another usable bag which we immediately took to place our things in.

The next thing we went through is the pokemon center. Sadly we only found many corpses there, and Liz again had a vomiting session for a few seconds. I also almost vomited but was able to stop it before it came out.

The black market was the next place we look into, and found some items that can be used. There were many pokeballs, potions, and even a single fire stone in there, and I immediately took everything in there.

After that, we went to the library since Liz wanted some books. Unfortunately, the whole library was burned down and no books remained in it.

"Let's go and look around the town one more time, and see if there are any survivors left." I said to Liz.

After a few hours of walking around, we saw a group of people at the exit of the town in the direction of the Pallet Forest. There were five children and three elderly people with them. The children was crying while the older people was trying to pacify them.

I walked towards them, and I can see the elderly people having a cautious look at us.

"Hello, we're also survivors from the attack. I'm Rem and this is my maid Liz. I have some food here which I can give to your group." I said to them, and then Liz started giving them the food we got from the poke mart.

I gladly gave them the food since I have plenty of them, and I don't plan to eat those food for myself only. It's better to have it eaten by them than just to let it go to waste.

"Thank you, kid. May Arceus bless your kind soul." One of the elder woman said while having tears coming out of her eyes.

"You're welcome, elder. Please eat up, and rest while we wait for rescue to arrive." I told her, and then started eating some food too since I got hungry from the constant vomiting that I did earlier.

I think some people from the other cities will come here to rescue the survivors. A day or two would suffice for a rescue team to arrive in this town. We can only wait at that time, and hope that nothing bad will happen again.

"Let's go find some suitable place for us to stay in, elders. It's better for us to sleep in another area compared to this place. I think outside of the town would be better but not in the forest." I told to the group.

The town is unsuitable to stay in. The place was full of smoke, and also has corpses which is unpleasant to be in. Also, being outside the town is not bad. The wild pokemon will surely not attack because they just experienced a terrible fight from earlier.

It would be the best for the children also. I can feel their fright and stress from staying in the town. I also would not be happy from seeing my home town getting destroyed, and even seeing my parents or relatives' corpses laying around.

"Sure, let's do that. It would make the children feel better to see a different view instead of this depressing sight." An elderly man said.

We then moved places, and found a different place to stay in. Once we found a place for our camping, Liz set up some tents for all of us to sleep in. I together with the elders also helped her, and soon enough everything was prepared.

I looked at the children, and noticed that one of the kids has the Oak surname in it. It seems that this person can be the father of Samuel Oak or maybe not, but there is a possibility so I'll help this kid to settle in some place and befriend him before going back to the clan.

All of us settled inside our tents while I made Golbat, Beedrill, and Pidgeotto guard us while we sleep. I and Liz shared a single tent since the number of tents was limited.

"Liz, hide everything that we got from the town except for some supplies we need for three days. Hide it in the forest, and do this with Beedrill. Make sure to hide it properly so that we won't get caught from stealing the items in the town." I said to her.

I don't want Sam, Vhan, and the other man with the Dragonite to know that I took all the items in the town once it got destroyed. If they found out that I took the items, they might take it back. I won't like that so I have to make sure that these items won't be stolen from me.

"Yes, master." Liz said, and then get outside of the tent to do her task. I didn't sleep immediately but waited for her to return.

An hour passed, and soon Liz returned. I then slept once I found out that everything went well. I expect that tomorrow, Sam, Vhan and the man with the Dragonite will come here. I'm sure they will ask us some questions.

Most likely Vhan and Sam will ask me questions since I was with the group of defending the town but I was the only one who survived the attack from the Johto region.