Chapter 49

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Thank you for not hating and blaming us for what happened. Also, I'm sorry for running away when I should have faced them head on. I promise that I'll train hard to make sure that this thing won't happen again." I replied to Sam. I also made some tears slip away from my mask. This is only an act though to make her believe me easily.

Sam nodded then smiled at me. Liz looked at this situation, and even played along. She gave a few pats on my back while hugging me while even saying sorry to Sam repeatedly.

"Alright, enough of that. Let's talk about the rewards we will be giving you two." Sam said. I nodded then acted as if I'm still sad from the situation.

"I'm here to ask you about the rewards you want to receive. You can ask anything like rare items, a property, pokemon, and so on." Sam said.

So, we will be the one to ask for what we want. Personally, I would like it to get some pokemon in hand. I wanted three pokemon which I think will be useful for me in the future.

One of those would be a Happiny, Chansey, or Blissey. Personally, I would like it if it was a Chansey since that would be the stage where it learned more moves that heals others. A Happiny will also be good since it is young, and will be easy to tame. For a Chansey, it will be a bit hard to tame but is still possible. A Blissey though, might not follow me even if they are known to be soft and caring since one can mostly get one from another trainer.

The next pokemon that I want is a Growlithe or Arcanine. I want to have a Growlithe between this two though since one can easily tame it. They are also very loyal, and I wanted one since a Arcanine will be a great pokemon for transportation in the land.

The last pokemon that I want would be a Lapras. This pokemon is strong, and can be my other form of transportation. It would be a great pokemon to have in sea traveling, and they are also strong.

These three are my top choices in the pokemon here. I want to have the 3 starters of the kanto region but I think they are more harder to request compared to those three. Those three starter pokemon are actually considered as the royalties in this region. Only those who have a high status can have those 3 starter pokemon from what I heard.

Unfortunately though, I can't take any pokemon with me at the moment since the clan made this a rule. I wanted to request for a pokemon because items won't help much. I already increased Beedrill's potential to the maximum. While for Golbat, I already have an item to surely increase his potential.

"I want to request for a pokemon but can I take it after one year and four months?" I asked Sam.

I still asked for the pokemon since I think that I'll be able to take in another pokemon by the time I finished my trial. After the trial though, I have to hurry to get the pokemon egg since the clan will have to teach us to be better trainers for five years. And even if I can't keep the pokemon because of the clan then I'll just give it to Liz.

I'll be registering Liz as my personal maid as soon as I return to the clan. I know for a fact that the clan won't hinder me from letting Liz take in other pokemon. Liz already told me this rule from the clan.

"Hmm… That's fine. It must be because of your clan, kid." Vhan replied. This made me surprised since they actually know that I'm from a clan but I realized that it is obvious that I did come from one.

A four year old kid won't usually have a pokemon this early except if one is an apprentice of a gym leader or an important figure. Another reason, would be having a clan which usually gives a pokemon earlier to it's members compared to the common citizens of the region.

"Don't be surprised. We actually knew of it from the start but we won't hinder you because of that. We don't want to offend any of the clan by harming on one of their genius members." Vhan said while smiling. I took a deep sigh inwardly making me relax.

"Anyway, your request is okay. So, what pokemon do you want?" Sam asked.

"I want an Happiny egg, and I'll be taking it in the future on Pewter City. Is that fine, miss Sam?" I asked.

"Hmm… I think I can work something out. I'll ask some Nurse Joy to give me one, and I'm sure they'll gladly do it." Sam answered.

"You can request for another pokemon if you want, kid." Vhan said.

"Really, sir Vhan?" I asked while smiling and jumping in my mind.

"Of course, that reward is just from Sam. I have to give you something too, right? Besides, your request is not that hard to do than we thought. If it was a rare item, we might have given you only one. Also, you'll be giving us plenty of time to do your request considering that you'll only take the pokemon after more than a year, kid." Vhan answered.

"Thank you, sir Vhan. Then I want to have a Growlithe egg too." I replied.

"Hmm… a request for a Growlithe egg to Officer Jenny would be easy. I'll do it but don't think that the quality of the pokemon you'll get would be great, kid. Most likely, the pokemon you will receive will only have 2.5 star potential. Is that okay with you, kid?" Vhan asked.

I already expected that the pokemon given to me won't have that great of potential but I didn't mind since I can increase the potential of those pokemon with items. It would cost a lot of money but at least I'll get my hands on those pokemon.

"I'm fine with that, sir Vhan." I replied while being excited for next year to come. Those two pokemon would be a great addition to my team. Mostly Happiny, that pokemon can heal so I can intensify the training of my pokemon by 2 times when I have it with my team.

"Then that's settled. You'll get a Happiny and Growlithe egg after a year, kid. Now for you young girl, what do you want as a reward?" Sam asked Liz.

Liz seems to be thinking about her request, and it took her a few minutes before replying.

"I want to have items that can help my Pidgeotto increase it's strength. Can I request for that, miss Sam?" Liz asked afterwards. She is asking to increase her Pidgeotto's potential but still act as if she does not what potential is. If she asked something concerning a pokemon's potential then I'll be in trouble. It's in the rules that I can't speak about those information to other people who are not Beginner trainers but why did Vhan talked about it earlier. Was that just a slip of tongue?