Chapter 50

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"That's fine for me. But can you show me your Pidgeotto so that I and Vhan can find the suitable item for it." Sam answered.

Liz nodded then took out her pokeball and summoned her Pidgeotto. Once Pidgeotto was out, It looked around curiously while flapping it's wings.

Sam then went towards the Pidgeotto and touched it. She then started checking the Pidgeotto's body afterwards. The Pidgeotto was about to retaliate but Liz stopped it.

"Hmm… I see. I think I know which I item is best to be given to this pokemon. I'll give it to you after 3 days. Is that okay?" Sam asked.

"Of course, miss Sam." Liz answered while smiling sweetly. Pidgeotto look curiously as if it was asking what they are talking about.

"Alright then. Now that your rewards are settled, let's talk about the gym emblems that I'm about to give you." Sam said.

"What gym emblems? We didn't fight any pokemon gym to receive one." I asked.

"You didn't but I decided to give both of you my gym emblem. This is also the reason why I and Vhan said some information that should not be said with Liz like the pokemon's potential." Sam explained.

"But is that okay, miss Sam? I mean we didn't fight you, won't the region think that it is unfair for us to get one?" I asked her curiously.

"Our region won't do anything by me doing this. We are allowed to give anyone the gym emblems we hold to anyone we deemed worthy. Obviously, both of you are worthy for the gym emblem. Though we can only use this method a couple of times, and I'm willing to use this method to you guys. Also, I think this will be my last chance to give my gym emblem to anyone. The region will surely replace me to a new gym leader after a few months." Sam answered.

"Thank you, miss Sam." I replied while Liz looks excited from hearing Sam's news.

Sam then took out two small boxes which has a gym emblem inside. The gym emblem was in a shape of a star while having a rainbow color.

"You're welcome. Also, you can go now but Liz still needs to stay behind. I have to explain some information to her since she'll be a beginner trainer starting today." Sam continued after she gave the gym emblem.

"I'll rather wait for Liz, miss Sam." I replied.

Sam nodded then started to explain everything that a beginner trainer needs to know. After a couple of minutes, it was done.

"That's all I have to say. You both can go now if you have no more questions." Sam said.

"Actually, I have a question." Liz asked.

"Hmm… go ask then." Vhan replied.

"How did that Charizard suddenly appeared in the Pallet Forest?" Liz asked.

"It apparently appeared because of the Johto region. It looks like the Johto region was able to steal one of the royal pokemon we have here. They must have trained that pokemon then released it in the wild. We are still investigating how the Johto region was able to steal one of our royal pokemon." Vhan explained.

"We are though speculating that someone from our region betrayed us. The Johto region should not have been able to steal one of our royal pokemon under our noses. Also, it is a miracle for them to suddenly pop up from our region when they attacked. This is just a theory though but this is the most likely thing that happened." Sam continued with an angry expression.

"Calm down, Sam. The region will surely investigate this case, and if there is any traitor then he or she must ready themselves since they'll be dead." Vhan said with a serious face.

"Any other questions?" Sam asked.

"Yes. I want to know what happened to the Charizard. Was it caught or killed?" I asked curiously. I want to know if the man with the Dragonite from before was able to catch it or not.

"Nope. Sir Spada was not able to capture it. It was almost caught though but the Charizard killed itself once it found out that it was cornered." Sam answered.

So, that man wasn't able to capture it. Good for him since I still have to make sure he pays for giving me this Poinnanite Stone. It was a great gift for Golbat but it was also an item that could have killed me if I touched it. That bastard needs to pay if he has any ill intent from doing that.

"So, anymore questions?" Sam asked.

"No more, miss Sam. Thank you for the answers." I told Sam while bowing my head. Liz also did the same afterwards.

"Alright. Then I'll be giving the items along with your new ID after 3 days, Liz. I'll deliver it in your inn so you don't have to worry about anything." Vhan said.

"Thank you, mister Vhan." Liz replied.

"No problem. You both may leave now." Sam said.

We nodded then left afterwards. I and Liz then went to the inn we usually stay. This time we didn't need to pay anything since we are both beginner trainers this time. We told the inn that we'll be staying for a month, and they gladly offered the place.


The next morning, I and Liz went to Gerald's place to train. Liz plans to sell the pokemon I caught first and getting the items that Vhan will deliver before going to Pallet Forest.

She plans to return to that place since she'll retrieve the items we got from before. I didn't plan to go with her since I want to help Gerald with his training at the moment. Maybe after a week then I'll go to the Viridian forest to catch some pokemon to sell.

Also, I plan to let Golbat consume the Poinnanite Stone tonight. It will take 3 days for him to consume it according to Liz. It will take long but the results will be worth it.

After those are done, I'll have two pokemon that has a 5 star potential. Together with my perks from my system, my pokemon will have a greater advantage compared to others except for those that are shiny pokemon.