Chapter 51

Author's Note:

This is a bonus chapter! Do you like my surprise?

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After spending my time training with Gerald which the kid obviously enjoyed, I went back to the inn. It was time to let Golbat consume the Poinnanite Stone.

While for Liz, she went to the black market to sell the wild pokemon I caught. I can't wait for the money that is about to come after Liz returns. More moves will soon be available for my two pokemon.

"Golbat, it is time for you to consume the Poinnanite Stone. You'll be immobile for three days after you consumed this stone. You don't have to worry though since I'll stay in this room together with Beedrill to look after you. Are you ready, buddy?" I asked him while caressing his head.

Golbat screeched while Beedrill showed her stingers to his brother. She looks like she is assuring her that nothing will happen to him.

"Good, then I'll be giving you the Poinnanite Stone now. Make sure that your position will be comfortable as you consume this stone." I told him then Golbat screeched then sat on a corner of my room.

I then took out the leather bag which is holding the Poinnanite Stone. I didn't take it out though since I'll let Golbat do that. I just opened the bag, and passed it towards Golbat.

"You have to take out the stone yourself, buddy. I can't touch it, or I'll die if I do." I told him. He screeched then took out the stone with his mouth and wings. After the stone was out, Golbat immediately consumed it.

After he did though, Golbat's skin turned into a grey color. It looked like Golbat turned into a stone. I didn't panic after seeing this though since Liz already oriented me about the effects that will happen after Golbat consumes the stone.

Now, the only thing we have to do is wait for Golbat to finish. I can't do much in this room but read the books that Liz has. I borrowed some of her books since I also want to study about certain things. The books I borrowed from her is about general knowledge pertaining Growlithe and Happiny.

"Beedrill, go and just keep using Focus Energy. Just train in using that move while guarding your brother." I told her while reading my book.


The night passed, and morning came. I left my room to get my breakfast and to also buy some food for Beedrill. I also plan to take the money that Liz got from selling the pokemon.

I spent my day just doing that, and I got a total amount of 680,000 Kanto dollars from Liz. I gave her 300,000 Kanto dollars for her share and also the money for our expenses.

The next thing I have to do is plan for the moves that Golbat and Beedrill has to learn after Golbat finished consuming the Poinnanite Stone. I only got a few amount of money this time so they'll learn only a few amount of moves.


2 days soon passed, it was night time already. It was almost time for Golbat to wake up from consuming the Poinnanite Stone. Liz was also in my room, and looking at the rock solid Golbat seating on the ground.

She was again writing something on her notebook. I already asked her about what she is writing, and she actually only wrote some of her observations during the process of all this. I didn't stop her though since it's her interest and hobby.

After a few minutes, I soon heard a cracking sound which surprised us. Many cracks started to appear on Golbat's body. In between the cracks, a purple light was coming. It was the same light that Beedrill has when she reached the 5 star potential but only in a different color.

The light coming out though this time was slightly brighter compared to Beedrill's. It also gave a much more imposing feeling compared to when Beedrill was doing the same process.

Soon enough, the grey rock skin covering Golbat was removed. Soon, Golbat appeared, and I was surprised to find his color changing into a darker shade.

I looked at his potential, and I found out that his potential was actually increased to 5.5 star potential. It was apparently 1.5 times better compared to a 5 star potential.

Not only that but Golbat also got three new abilities which was a big surprise. This was a new thing to appear, and in the game a Golbat wasn't suppose to have these three abilities. The abilities were Weak Poison Touch, Weak Poison Point, and Liquid Ooze.

The Weak Posion Touch ability has a 15 percent chance of poisoning a target upon contact. While the Weak Poison Point ability has a 15 percent chance of poisoning an attacking pokemon on contact. These two ability makes Golbat a dangerous opponent to touch. While for the Liquid Ooze ability it is an ability which makes the user damage opponents that use leeching moves. The damage will be as much as the heal that they should receive from using a leeching move.

These three abilities are amazing, and to think that a pokemon can have five abilities at the same time is crazy. Golbat is broken at this point but I'm not complaining.

Golbat didn't change much in his skin color, it just turned into a darker shade of it. It can be said that Golbat was a half shiny with his new transformation.

"Your Golbat seemed to have mutated, master. That stone is really an amazing find. I wonder why that person will give you such a thing. He seems like he was testing you or something?" Liz said while looking at Golbat. She started walking closer to Golbat, and she seems to plan on touching him.

"Don't touch Golbat, Liz. He seems a bit different compared to before. I don't know what it is but I feel like it is dangerous to touch him." I told her. I can't say that I know that Golbat is dangerous to touch because of the system so this warning will have to do.