Chapter 52

Author's Note:

Another bonus chapter for you guys! This my way of getting back at you guys. You have been very supportive to me and this is my way of showing my appreciate to you guys!

Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


Hearing my warning, Liz stopped her hand from reaching Golbat. She then looked at me with a confused expression. She then looked at Golbat with a serious look.

"Liz go, and buy some gloves for your protection starting tomorrow. For now, we should rest up and don't attempt in touching Golbat alright?" I told her. Golbat then screeched towards Liz, and crossing his wings as if telling her to not touch him.

"Yes, master. I also noticed that Golbat is warning me not too." Liz replied then started to write something on her notebook again.

"Let's rest for the night, Liz." I told her, and she nodded then left the room.

"Golbat, you did a great job. It seems you've grown stronger than we thought." I told him while caressing his head. I have gloves on my hand so I don't have to worry of getting poisoned.

Touching Golbat made me notice a slimy liquid getting on my hand. It was only in a few amounts though. This must be the thing that can get one poisoned by touching it.

"Is this a liquid you create, Golbat? Is this the one that can cause to poison everyone who touches you?" I asked Golbat while playing with the transparent liquid in my gloves. It looks like precum which was funny since Golbat is completely covered in it.

I should remove this thought on my head or else I'll look at Golbat differently. I tried thinking of something else but I keep on going back on that thought.

Golbat screeched which made me stop from my thoughts. He then nodded while screeching as if confirming that my speculation is correct.

"Hmm… can you stop creating this kind of liquid when we are not engaging in a fight?" I asked him. I don't want him poisoning people without intending to. Golbat might suddenly poison an important person then I'll be in a deep trouble if that happens.

Golbat nodded then after a few minutes, he screeched again while pointing his wings at my hands to touch him again. I did that, and noticed that his body wasn't covered by that transparent liquid again.

"Good job, Golbat. I want you practice creating this liquid and removing it faster together with your training on Confuse Ray." I told Golbat and he screeched while signaling that he understands.

"Great then let's go to sleep. It's pretty late already." I told to the two of my pokemon who both nodded. I went to my bed while my two pokemon was sleeping with each other.


The next morning, I met up with Liz and this time she was already wearing some gloves on her hand. It seems like she woke up early to buy some gloves. She was already eating her breakfast, and another set of food was in front of her.

"Good morning, master. I already ordered for your breakfast and put the poison on the food. Golbat and Beedrill's food are also prepared beside your chair, master." Liz said then continued chewing her food. Her Pidgeotto was also eating it's food by her side.

"Thank you, Liz. Let's eat then." I said and I sat down. My pokemon also did the same and started to eat their Arbok sliced meat. It was cut into cubes, and fried so it's better tasting but I don't like them eating like this.

I want both of them to eat it raw, and even hunt for their own food. It's better that way since it will be freshly hunted and even strengthen them better. This can do though since it will consume much more time for them to do that.

"Liz, your package will arrive today, right?" I asked her. It was already the day for her to receive the rewards and the new ID from Sam and Vhan.

"Yes, master. Vhan already sent a letter this morning saying that the goods will arrive before lunch." Liz replied.

I nodded then started eating again. Then I remember that she'll start to leave today to get the items that she hid in the Pallet Forest.

"You should be careful once you leave for Pallet Forest. Return immediately once you know that you can't do the task, Liz." I told her. I don't want her to just die, she is a valuable ally to have after all.

"Yes, master." Liz replied while smiling.

I did the same and then started eating while talking about the books she read. After a few minutes, we finished eating. I left the inn with Golbat and Beedrill. I didn't bother to waste my time in waiting for Liz to leave. I want to efficiently use the time I have since I only have 3 and half months before the trial begins.

I plan to go to the poke mart to let Beedrill and Golbat learn some moves for the next few days while Liz is gone.

I arrived at the poke mart after a few minutes of walking, and even saw Gerald with his Meowth looking at the items inside. He looks like he wants to buy some items but doesn't have the money to buy one. He was looking at a necklace that has the design of a bell. It looks like a Soothe Bell in the games which makes pokemon friendly towards the trainer.

"Do you want that thing, Gerald?" I asked him which made him surprised.

"Oh! Older brother! You startled me!" Gerald shouted cutely while his Meowth was meowing with a loud voice too.

"So, do you want it?" I asked him again.

"Yeah, I want to buy it since it will make Meowth feel much more relaxed with the sound that it produces. It is expensive though, and I don't have the money to buy it." Gerald said shyly.

"How much is it?" I asked him. I'll buy it for him if it's not that expensive.

"It is 15,000 Kanto dollars each, older brother. I'll just buy this item once I get some money." Gerald said while caressing his Meowth.

"Don't bother. I'll just buy you one right now." I told him.