Chapter 54

Author's Note:

Here is another bonus chapter! I was lying from the previous chapter! This is actually the last bonus chapter that I'll be giving! This is serious this time... I'm not joking... I promise.

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It's been a month since I arrived in the Viridian City. I didn't do anything except catching wild pokemon then letting Liz sell them. I also let my pokemon learn some available moves that they can learn.

I spent some of my time training Gerald too. Honestly, I'm getting attached to this kid. He is a genius and is not annoying like a normal kid would be. The kid and his Meowth are even closer compared to before. I can see that their bond is getting closer. It was like a best friend relationship but not like a family yet.

It is really hard to befriend pokemon in here unlike in the games. But still, Gerald had an easier time in getting closer with Meowth which was said by Liz. Apparently, the Soothe Bell that I gave him was helpful.

Anyway, I'm currently looking at my pokemon's stats through the system. They look like this now;


Potential: 5.5 star

Power Level: Intermediate Level (1st Tier)


Inner Focus


Weak Poison Touch

Weak Poison Point

Liquid Ooze

Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Gust (Egg move), Quick Attack (Egg move), Astonish, Mean Look, Swift, Poison Fang, Leech Life, Wing Attack, Bite, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Air Cutter, Haze, Venoshock, Screech

Tutored Moves: Shadow Ball(T), Zen Headbutt(T), Protect(T), Steel Wing(T), Agility(T), Heat Wave(T), Substitute(T), Roost(T), Tailwind(T), Fly(T), Thief(T), Acrobatics(T), Giga Drain(T), Hyper Beam(T)

Mastered Moves: Confuse Ray]

Golbat learned five more moves. The Fly move was actually a move that makes the user be able to fly fast and smooth while also keeping the person riding the user safe. While in combat the move fly can also be used to fly up in the air then diving through the opponent with a fast speed to attack with the use of gravity. This move was also expensive which cost me 100,000 kanto dollars instead of 50,000.

The Thief and Acrobatics was for type coverage. Also, Acrobatics is a great move for Golbat since he does not have any items he is holding. Apparently, Acrobatics can unleash it's full potential when not being burdened by holding an item. While for Thief, it is a move which makes the pokemon great in stealing items from opponents while also leaving an attack. These two moves didn't cost much but only 50,000 kanto dollars each.

The next moves Giga Drain and Hyper Beam are the moves that cost much more. Giga drain made me lose 75,000 kanto dollars while for Hyper Beam it cost 150,000 kanto dollars. Those moves was expensive but I didn't regret buying them. Hyper Beam is a situational move and Golbat can only use it a single time then he'll be tired after. He'll recover though but only after a few minutes.

His power level also increased to the intermediate level. This only happened 2 weeks ago, and I became proud from seeing it. His use of Confuse Ray also improved. It was faster, and has a larger radius compared to before. I think he'll perfectly master that move after 3 months or so. He also trained his usage of covering and removing the toxic liquid around his body. Before he can only do that after a few minutes, now he can immediately remove and cover it under a minute.

After looking at Golbat's stats for a few more minutes, I checked Beedrill's next. Her stats looks like this;


Potential: 5 star

Power Level: Intermediate Level (1st Tier)




Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Fury Attack, Twineedle, Rage, Pursuit, Poison Jab, Agility, Pin Missile, Outrage, Peck, Venoshock

Tutored Moves: Drill Run(T), Protect(T), Double Team(T), Roost(T), Sword Dance(T), X-Scissor(T), Substitute(T), Reflect(T), Brick Break(T), Solar Beam(T), Toxic(T), Aerial Ace(T), Fury Cutter(T), Ominous Wind(T)

Mastered Moves: Focus Energy]

The moves she learned was also expensive mostly to Solar Beam. That move has the same price as Hyper Beam. I wanted her to also learn Hyper Beam but I decided to just let her know a different move compared to Golbat. This move was like Hyper Beam but this time it won't make the user tired after using it. It instead has to make the user charge power by absorbing sunlight. We already did a practice test, and it will take Beedrill 3 minutes to fully charge an attack. A sunny day though will only take 1.5 minutes to charge the move. The power can also change depending on what weather the place has.

The next move is Toxic. I realized my mistake before for not letting Beedrill not learn this move. Anyway, I learned from it and made Beedrill learn it. For Golbat, I didn't let him learn it yet since he has more likely chance to poison others compared to Beedrill. I'll let him learn that move next time I have the money which will be next month.

Liz advised me to let Golbat learn the two moves Toxic and Venom Drench. Those two moves are actually a great combination along with Venoshock. The move, Venom Drench, can make an opponent that is poisoned lower it's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by one stage. With the set up move, Toxic, an opponent will be poisoned then Golbat can just knock the opponent up with Venom Drench and Venoshock. Venoshock will even deal double damage since the opponent will be poisoned.

Anyway, for Beedrill's last three moves I let her learn those since it's a great move for type coverage. Aerial Ace was chosen to make Beedrill have a better flying type move compared to Peck. While I choose Fury Cutter since it's a great move for attacking consecutively, and it even increases it's damage after every successful hit. With Beedrill's speed, she can hit the opponent easily.

Lastly, Ominous Wind is a move that deals damage but also has a 10 percent chance of increasing Beedrill's every stat for 1 stage. A great move for covering other types while also move which can give a benefit if Beedrill is lucky.

Beedrill also reached the intermediate level this day but when she is sparring with Golbat she'll lose. She did won a few times but Golbat was still stronger than her. She only won some of her battles with Golbat because of a lucky critical hit and that's it.