Chapter 55

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Big Bro, let's have a final fight before you leave the city." A voice said making me stop from my thoughts.

It was Gerald and he started calling me 'Big Bro' since I told him too. I don't like being called 'Older Brother' since it's too formal. Gerald agreed with it and even enjoys calling me that.

"Sure but be prepared to lose." I replied with a teasing voice.

"I know, Big Bro. Also, won't you show your face to me at least once before you leave?" Gerald asked curiously as we walk towards the training grounds of the inn. He always goes to the inn just to visit me and ask for pointers.

"Hmm… Do you want to see my face? You might get jealous with my looks." I told him.

"As if! I'm handsome and even cute as told by sister Liz." Gerald replied with a big smile. The kid was telling the truth though.

"Alright, I'll show you my face but don't tell anyone how I look, okay?" I told him. It's better to show him my face so that he'll know who I am when I'm not wearing my mask.

"Yay! I promise I won't tell anyone." Gerald jumped while Meowth did the same with him. I also spent some money getting Meowth learn some moves and even bought it some items to help increase it's potential. I did the same for Liz's Pidgeotto to pay for her services. She earned it anyway.

"So, when will you show your face to me, Big Bro?" Gerald asked curiously.

"Later after we finished our pokemon battle." I told him. I can see Meowth having a determine face when he hears about the battle.

Gerald nodded, and at that moment we arrived at the training grounds. We started our little pokemon fight, and it immediately ended with just Golbat playing with Meowth around. I didn't even ordered Golbat on what to do, and he took care of the match easily.

"Here, heal Meowth with this potion." I said to Gerald while passing him some potions for Meowth.

"Thanks, Big Bro. Your pokemon are really strong. I can't even make Golbat take us seriously." Gerald said while patting my Golbat. The guy only screeched while flapping it's wings. Thankfully, Golbat didn't have his body covered with the transparent poison or else Gerald would be poisoned.

"So, show me your face already!" Gerald said after Meowth woke up.

"Alright, I'll only remove my mask for five seconds. You have to take a great look at my face and remember it." I told him then started to remove the mask on my face.

Gerald nodded and soon he saw my face. He didn't have any reaction but only seriously looked at my face. Meowth also did the same.

"Alright, five seconds are up." I told Gerald then started to cover my face with the mask.

"You didn't actually look handsome, Big Bro. You looked normal looking." Gerald said while giving a teasing smile. This brat! Where the hell did he learn to insult me!?

He run immediately after saying that while laughing. His Meowth was also meowing but it looks like he was also laughing along with him.

"Golbat, Beedrill, go and run after them. Don't make them escape." I said with a grim voice. The two nodded seriously and started to fly after the two.

After an hour of pinching both of the cheeks of Gerald and Meowth, we went back to training again. Both of Gerald and Meowth's cheeks was red though, and I constantly laugh when seeing that. Gerald will look at me with a pouting face as I train them.

When it was almost time for dinner, Liz arrived signaling for us to go inside the inn's cafeteria to eat. Gerald and Meowth was also joining in our eating time with us. I paid for their meals which only cost a few amount of money.

After eating our meals, Gerald and Meowth left the place to go to their home.

"Liz, go and prepare for the things we will be needing for our journey tomorrow. We will be leaving the city before lunch time." I told her.

"Yes, master." Liz replied. I then went to my room together with Golbat and Beedrill.


The next morning, I prepared everything that I'll be needing for the journey. I met up with Liz then we started going around the city to say my goodbyes to the people I know.

I first met up with Vhan, and said my goodbyes to him. He warned me about my Golbat and told me to keep him inside the pokeball instead of letting him out if I can. He warned me that Golbat might attract unwanted attention because of Golbat's different skin color.

It was not that noticable to see that Golbat has a different color since it only turned into a little darker color to the normal ones. Vhan though was still able to notice it. I did take his advice and just let Golbat inside the pokeball. I was fortunate enough that only him and Sam knows that Golbat is a special one compared to his other kind.

I just let Beedrill be the only one outside. Golbat was sad when he got inside the pokeball. I also was, it felt like I lost something important to me. Anyway, I'll just let him go out again when he's needed.

After going to Vhan, I went to Sam. She also said the same thing as Vhan. She advised me to keep on a look out since their are people who will do anything just to steal my pokemon. She then told me to get stronger, and be an advance trainer immediately. With that status, I won't be targeted by other people even if I let Golbat out.

I then said goodbye to her, and left towards Gerald's home. I knock on his door, and soon the door opened.

"I'm here to say my goodbye, Gerald. Train hard and don't slack off. I might return here one day then let you join on my journey. Would you like that?" I asked him.