Chapter 63

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


The clan is dwindling in numbers with the current custom we have, and add to the war with it. At the current phase we have, the clan will sooner or later be destroyed.

I don't know what the main clan is thinking by still following the customs we have. They should also know that following the past methods will only harm us than good.

The clan is getting strong trainers from the clan trials but at the cost of so much lives. The war also needs to stop, this war is pointless. It only creates endless hatred, and it's a cycle.

I also have hatred to the other regions before but I learned to let it go. One needs to learn to let go of their hate to be able to forgive someone else. Being full of hate before only made me miserable, and that was also my mistake. I was full of hate that I was not able to take care of Myne properly.

Now, Myne was like my young version from before. She was like a robot that only knows how to kill as if it was normal thing to do. I want her to be like those other civilian children, they are playing around and enjoying life. Thankfully, I found Liz and she started opening up.

I did not know that Myne would get so attached to Liz, that I made them get separated by giving Liz to Rem as a personal maid. I thought that I was doing right but I still made a mistake. I'm old but I still need to learn many things.

"I should go, and rest. Standing up for so long is not great for my health." I told myself but that's just me wanting to laze around.


Rem's Point of View

I woke up with an aching body and head. Even my heart is pounding crazily. I tried to open my eyes, and saw that I'm in a different room. I looked around the room but it was hard to do so. I feel like my body is made of a heavy material.

It was hard to turn my head but I still managed to do so after a few attempts. I looked at my right side, and saw a window. I looked at it, and saw the dark sky along with the moon.

"You're awake, master!" A voice shouted from the door. I moved my eyes, and saw Liz walking towards me. She was holding a small tub with a towel and water inside. My two pokemon was with her, and they are both giving me worried looks. This gave me a sense of warmth from seeing them like this.

I tried to speak to give a reply but my mouth was hard to move. I don't know what to do so I just stared at Liz with a questioning look.

"Don't worry about your condition, master. Elder Moi said that this is a normal process to have, and tomorrow you'll be as good as new. You just have to focus resting up, and don't worry about Golbat and Beedrill. I already fed them food." Liz said making me feel relieved.

"I'm here to clean you up, master. If you don't mind me doing this then just close your eyes two times. If you don't want me to clean you up then close your eyes a single time." Liz said. I then closed my eyes two times since I don't mind.

I mean, I'm just a kid and I don't feel any sexual arousal from what Liz is about to do. Look at my junior, his so small that not a single girl will want it at the moment.

Liz understood then started to undress me, she then wiped my body up. After thoroughly cleaning my body, she dress me up with a new set of clothes.

"It's done, master. Wait for me here, I'll go get the soup I prepared for your dinner, master." Liz said then left the room.

Golbat and Beedrill then gave me a hug making me feel better. They give the best hugs out there. They soon stopped then started talking which I had a hard time to understand. Beedrill was using her stingers then started to stab the air beside Golbat, while Golbat did some flapping action and biting actions towards Beedrill.

It looks like they are saying that they fought each other as a part of their training. They are both really hardworking. I'm lucky to have these two as my pokemon.

Soon enough, Liz returned after Golbat and Beedrill did some acting of what they have done for the day. Liz was holding a small bowl of soup this time.

"Here's your dinner for tonight, master. You can't move your body so much so you have to eat soup for now. Also, Elder Moi said that you should sleep after eating this. She said that you will have a training with her tomorrow." Liz said while feeding me with a spoon.

After an hour of Liz talking and feeding me, she left. She only talked about how Myne and her spent the day.

Golbat and Beedrill positioned themselves at each side of the bed I'm laying at. We then set off to sleep. My body felt so tired that I drifted to sleep immediately.


The next morning, I woke up early and I can see both of my pokemon already flying around the room while using some stat boosting moves. I tried to move my body, and I can move it again but it felt like my body turned lighter than usually.

It felt like I lost double of my weight. I tried jumping around, and noticed that the height of my jumped doubled compared to before. I then run in circles inside the room for 30 minutes but didn't feel tired from it.

I looked at my stat, and saw a new perk within it. It was called Spirit Body, and it says that I can transform into a spirit form and can last for a minute. Also, any ghost type pokemon will have a 5% increment in learning speed, and training gain.