Chapter 64

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


After checking my body some more, I walked out of the room. Getting out of the room, I was greeted with a smell of food being cook. I walked towards that direction, and arrived at the kitchen.

I can see Liz in the kitchen cooking along with the old hag and the crazy girl. The old hag noticed me then gave me a nod. Liz just smiled at me while the crazy girl gave me cold stare.

"Go prepare the table, kid. We'll finish this meal after a few minutes." I nodded then went to the cabinet storing the plates inside.

"Hmph!" I heard the crazy girl react. I just ignored her then prepared the table.

After a few minutes, they finished cooking the food. They cooked some scrambled eggs from Exeggcute. Some fried meat was also prepared which was made from Farfetch'd. There was also soup and bread at the side.

"Let's dig in then. As for your pokemon, kid. Let them go outside, Gengar will give them their own food." The old hag said then started to get some soup and bread. Gengar then appeared from the old hag's shadow then gestured for my pokemon to follow him. I nodded to my pokemon then they followed Gengar.

I also started to get myself some food, and was about to get some meat but was stopped by a fork. I looked which fork it was, and found the crazy girl giving me a cold stare. I ignored her then bypass her fork to take some meat. The crazy girl frowned from this then 'hmph' at me.

This happened many times, the crazy girl even started to take the food which I was about to take. The old hag was just laughing at this.

"Looking at both of you, makes me remember how me and my husband acts." The old hag said then started to laugh. I frowned from hearing that, and even made a disgusting face.

"Grandma! Why would you think that!? I won't marry someone like him! Hmph!" The crazy girl shouted. As if I want to marry someone who is flat like you.

"That's what I also said but look at me, I still married that old fart." The old hag replied then started smiling at us. She even gave me and the crazy girl a knowing look. The crazy girl just pouted from that then started to eat again.

"I'm full. I'll go first then." I said then took my plate and other items I used to eat. I lost my appetite from the old hag being a match maker.

"Eat some more, kid. You might get hungry when the training starts." The old hag replied.

"It's okay, master." I replied then proceeded to wash my dishes at the sink.

After washing the dishes, I went to the training grounds then met up with my pokemon there. They are eating in there while Gengar was talking to them.

"Hello, guys." I said then the three pokemon looked at me. Gengar just waved his hand at me while Golbat and Beedrill flew towards me.

"Go finish eating first, you two." I said. They both answered by giving me pokemon cries then flew towards their unfinished food.

Gengar looked at me then took out a paper from it's body. I did not know that a Gengar can do that. He then pulled a pencil then started to write something on it.

He then passed me the paper. I read it, and he was asking if I felt diffent compared to before.

"Yeah, I felt lighter, stronger, and faster compared to before." I answered him. He nodded then started to write something again.

He then passed me the paper, and he was asking if I don't feel any discomfort. Why is this Gengar showing concern now? I feel something bad about to happen.

"No, why are you asking?" I asked then Gengar gave me a huge smile. I didn't like seeing him smile like that. Most likely, he has a bad thing to do.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked but regret it afterwards. He pulled me towards him, then he flew me up to the air. He then flew at a crazy speed while making sure to make many turns in the training grounds.

"Stop it, Gengar!" I shouted at him since I was feeling dizzy from the constant turn he was doing. He only laughed at me while I can hear my pokemon shouting.

This happened for a few minutes, and I can feel the breakfast I just ate at my throat. I tried stopping myself at throwing up but still did so after a few minutes.

Gengar stopped once seeing that, and even laughed at me. The old hag arrived, and saw the situation.

"I told you to don't do any pranks to the kid, Gengar. He might still be feeling some pain from intaking the Balete Fruit juice." The old hag said Gengar at the stern voice. Gengar though just wrote something on a paper then gave it to the old hag after.

"The kid said he was feeling better so I checked it out if he was saying the truth." The old hag read aloud. She then sigh, and then gave me an apologizing look.

"Gengar go back to my shadow. You have been a bad boy since then. I'll give you your punishment later." The old hag replied. I can see Gengar shudder from hearing the old hag words.

I smiled at this, and even laughed the same way he does to mock the guy. Gengar frowned at me, and even gave me a angry look. I just gave him a mocking smile while he goes to the old hag's shadow.

"You ready for the training, kid?" The old hag said.

"Just give me a minute, master. I'll just clean my puke on the ground." I told her then walked out to get some cleaning materials.

After a few minutes, the ground was clean again. The old hag was only observing me, and even nodding at my actions.

"Alright, then I'll start the explanation on how to use the Spirit Body." The old hag once I was ready.