Chapter 66

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


Next morning came, and it was the day that I together with the children that is within my same generation is about to leave. It was the day where we will be going to the island where the trials will be conducted. The island was called Troix island.

The old hag said that the Troix island where we are about to go to is the place where poison type pokemon are living. I don't have to worry about that place though since the old hag said that the strongest pokemon living there only has a intermediate power level, and most of the other pokemon are at the beginner level.

"You ready to go, kid?" The old hag asked once I got out of my room.

"Yes, master. Please take care of Liz while I'm gone, master." I told her.

"Hmph! Of course, Liz is going to be taken care of. Unlike you who is unable to protect her properly making her received a scar!" The crazy girl replied. I ignored her then looked at the old hag instead.

"Don't worry about, Liz. Now, let's go to the clan plaza. I'm sure your ride will be already prepared in there." She said then gestured me to go.

"Master, be careful at the trial. I know you'll be back." Liz said as I was walking out of the house.

"Thanks. Take care of yourself too, and don't get crazy when I get back unlike some other girl." I said then looked at Myne. The girl gave me a furious stare while I just laughed at her.


"Enough. Let's go, Rem. I don't want my own disciple getting late." The old hag said cutting Myne's words off.

I nodded at her then left the house, we then walked towards the clan plaza. Once, I was there I saw about 30 plus kids along with a giant ship. Many Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat was tied to that ship.

"That's the ship you will be riding in. Those pokemon tied to it are the ones who'll fly you towards the island. Those pokemon are abundant in numbers, and they are trained for transporting you guys. The other sub branches will surely be moving towards the island too. " The old hag explained.

"Do I have any peers which I have to take note of, master?" I asked.

"Nope. Nothing is really outstanding to your generation. You're the strongest one in your generation to my knowledge." She answered making me glad.

"Now, go line up like those other children. Once you return back, I'll give you a new pokemon. I'll make sure you'll like it. Also, give a great performance at the clan trial. From what I know, those who do good will be rewarded by the main clan." The old hag continued.

"Can't wait for the pokemon that I'll get from you, master. I'll be going then. Thank you for everything, master." I told her genuinely.

She just pat my back then pushed me to go line up like the other kids. I went to the back while looking at the pokemon of my other competitors.

Most of their pokemon are still at the 1st base of their evolution except for those Beedrills. I looked for Mark, and I saw his Nidoran. It improved but not like mine. It only has a power level of Beginner level (2nd tier). The pokemon also has no tutored moves like mine.

This will be an easy kill than I expected. Can't wait for it to come. I smiled while thinking about how I should kill him. I'll first kill his pokemon then maybe I should feed him to my Golbat alive. My Golbat will surely like a fresh young blood to drink.

"Listen up! I'm Lupe, and I'm going to be the one who'll be leading you to the Troix island. Return all of your pokemon inside the pokeball for now. Once you've done that go inside the ship." A guy said. I followed what he said, and returned both of my pokemon inside the pokeball.

The other kids also did that, and once we are finished we are escorted into the ship. There are five other adult clan members inside the ship like Lupe. After everyone was inside the ship, we are arranged to sit in 5 lines.

"Signal for the flyers to start flying!" Lupe shouted then the other clan members used some flags which was waved around. Soon another two adult clan members appeared while riding a Crobat.

The two Crobat then screeched while the other Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat tied to the ship also screeched in reply. All of them was in sync, and the ship was slowly lifted off the ground.

"You kids should rest for the moment. You'll need it for your trials. It will take a few hours for us to arrive at the Triox island." Lupe said.

Hearing that, I just closed my eyes and relaxed my mind. After a few hours, I can hear the Zubats, Golbats, and Crobats screeching again.

I opened my eyes, and I can see a small island on our view. There are also two other ship which was already in the island. I can see some kids also in those ships, and I think those kids are from the other sub branches.

After a few minutes, we landed beside those ships. We are then escorted to leave the ship. All of the other kids from the other ships also got out of theirs.

"All of you fall in line! Those who are not in a line will be killed off immediately!" A person shouted. I looked where the voice came from, and I saw an old man shouting.

Hearing the old man's word, the kids panicked and started to line up. It only took a minute, and everyone is arranged in front of the old man.

"Good! Let me introduce myself. I'm Elder Moong, and I'm from the main clan. We'll most likely you don't know what the main clan is and the sub branches are so I'll explain it to you guys. Well the…" The old man then started to say some information which I already know of.