Chapter 67

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Now, do you understand?" The old man asked.

"Yes, Elder Moong!" Everyone replied.

"Good. Let's talk about the trials next. The trials will be about surviving in the wild for a year. Of course, you won't be doing that only. You are also required to hunt as many pokemon as you can. You don't have to bring it to give proof, the other adult clan members here will record your score. We will then rank you all based on how many pokemon you'll be able to hunt. Also, the pokemon you hunt will have different points assigned to it. We'll be the one who'll handle how much point you'll get for every pokemon you hunted." The old man said.

"Then the one with the highest rank will be given a reward from the patriarch of the main clan. So, do your best kids to be able to get a great reward. Oh I almost forgot, you can also get points from killing the other competitors you have. The points that the other competitors has will be given to you fully. So, this method is great if you want to get a high rank fast, and kill the other possible threat to you." The old man said. This made the other kids look at each other with guard.

"For the rules of the trials. You can't go out of the island. That means no swimming out of the island. Once your found doing that then you'll be killed. Another one, staying close to the camp here will also get you killed. That is not allowed since you'll be able to be in a safe place making the clan trial useless." The old man continued.

"Do all of you understand?" He asked after.

"Yes, Elder Moong!" Everyone answered.

"Good. Then sit down, and close your eyes. Don't try to open your eyes or I'll just take those disobedient eyes." He said. Everyone quickly sat down and closed their eyes.

"Don't panic from this. The adult clan members will just take you one by one then land you in a random location of the island. Don't worry since the adult clan members will ensure you are safe until you are told to open your eyes." The old man said.

I waited for a while, and soon a hand touched my shoulder. The person then told me to get ready since he/she will fly me away now. I nodded to him/her, and soon I can feel the winds brushing my face.

A couple of minutes passed, and I felt that we are heading towards the ground. The person then helped me get down on a safe position then says.

"We are here. You can open your eyes now. The trial has begun. Good luck." The person said, and once I open my eyes the person flew off.

I took out my pokeballs then summoned my pokemon. Golbat and Beedrill immediately gave me a greeting once they are out.

"The trials has started, Golbat and Beedrill. For the time being, let's find a place where we can stay. We'll then start to hunt other pokemon along with training both of you. Also, always be aware of your surroundings. Golbat you'll be my shield, and always stay close to me. Beedrill you'll be at the front, you'll handle the pokemon appearing." I told to them. They then made pokemon sounds showing me that they understand.

I looked around my surroundings, and I can see we are in a middle of a forest. The sun was setting down, and it will only be a few hours before night comes. Better to find a cave to sleep in.

I walked around the forest for a few hours, and soon found a place where I can sleep. It was a cave but there are some Zubats inside. Golbat handled those pokemon, and even made them obey him.

"Go ask if there are any close water source in here, Golbat." I told him, and he started to talk to the Zubats. Golbat then showed me his wings then pointed to a certain direction.

"Ask for one of them to guide us. We'll go there, and comeback here after." I told Golbat.

Soon, we left the cave together with another Zubat. The Zubat flew towards a small pond, and I can see the water being crystal clear.

"Golbat use Supersonic in the water. Check if there are any pokemon lurking in it." I told him, and he did. Once he did though, three pokemon came out of it and they are Tentacools.

Beedrill saw this and quickly finished the three pokemon off. It was finished with one Drill Run making the three poor Tentacool pierced in a single stinger.

After finishing those three pokemon, I drank the water in the pond to quench my thirst. I was not afraid of getting poisoned as I have resistance for that. The next thing I need to find is a container for water.

The old hag said that the pokemon here is full of poison type so I'll be eating pokemon that has poison on it. I have to pick the pokemon I will eat carefully. The poison content of pokemon varies depending of which species it is, potential, and power level. To be safe, I have to hunt those pokemon with lower potential and power level. I can also eat some berries if I can find one.

"Golbat and Beedrill, let's go find some pokemon to hunt. Also, look for some items which we can use to store water." I told to the both of them.

We then looked for those items I mentioned in the forest. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a container for my water. I only found some berries which contain some small amount of poison, and a Ekans which has low potential and has a power level of infant power.

After we finished getting those, we returned to the cave where the Zubat lives. I then cooked the Ekans I have with the help of Golbat's Heat Wave. I then ate that, and slept for the day.