Chapter 68

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


2 weeks passed, I made myself busy with just hunting pokemon and creating items that can help me. The cave I was staying at has improved. I made a bed out of leaves while ten sets of coconut shaped berries are opened with water inside it.

There is also a section where I put all the berries I got from the wild. I use some of those berries to feed the Zubats inside the cave. Those Zubats are many and they are 15. With the help of Golbat, I can easily command them. Those Zubats are afraid of us but also friendly towards us because of me feeding them.

I focused on my training in these past few days, and I can stay up to 6 minutes straight in using the Spirit Body. Golbat and Beedrill also did the same, and focused on the moves I wanted them to master.

I have not seen any other competitors, and I hope there are no other competitors that are blood thirsty. I can kill but I don't want to kill when it's unneeded.

"Let's go get some water, Golbat and Beedrill." I told them. They both stopped their training, and flew towards me.

"You go guard the place while we are gone, zubats." I told to the zubats, and they gave me a reply full of screeches.

I went out while tying three empty coconut shaped berries with me. We then walked towards the pond we found before without a hitch. Once we are done, we returned to the cave we are staying at.

We are closed to the cave but Golbat suddenly screeched making me stop. He then made four biting actions making me confirm that there are four people inside the cave.

I frowned at this, and run towards the cave. I then heard the zubats screeching, and this made me hasten my footsteps.

"These zubats are really persistent. We just want to drink some water, and get some of the berries!" I hear a boy's voice shout.

"Oddish, Stun Spore!" I heard the kid continue.

"Venonat, Confusion!" I heard another voice which sounds like coming from a girl.

I arrived at the scene, and I can see 5 zubats laying on the ground. I looked at the intruder, and I can see a boy and girl. I looked at their pokemon, and found out they have a power level of beginner level (2nd tier).

"What are you both doing at my place?" I asked them with a frown.

"Your place? How can you say it's yours? You can be tricking us, and just wanting the resources available here for yourself!" The boy shouted.

"That's right!" The girl followed while nodding her head.

"I don't need to make you believe me but leave at once before I kill both of you." I warned them.

"Hmph! Don't listen to him, Gina. He's alone and we can handle him easily." The boy replied with a confident face. The girl nodded then looked at me with hostility.

It's amazing how this boy has the confidence to face me considering that I have a Golbat and Beedrill with me along with 10 more zubats.

"If that's how you want it then don't blame me for killing both of you. Golbat finished these two insolent fools' pokemon." I ordered Golbat. I first intended to kill the two kids but changed my mind. I mean those two are free slaves for me while I stay in this island. I'll just finish them off when the trials is almost over. I need to finish them off since the clan will still do that. They will still be considered as failures in the end anyway.

The zubats can look after them, and they can do the hunting for berries and fetching of water. How lucky of me to get two slaves after just two weeks at the start of the trial.

Golbat immediately flew away then attacked the two poor pokemon with Air Slash. This made the two pokemon be cut into half. The body liquids of the pokemon came out, and splashed on the two idiots' face.



The two screamed in horror while I just chuckled at the sight. Golbat returned to me while the zubats surrounded the two children.

"You five zubats, go and drink some blood from those two to replenish your energy and wounds. The other zubats, attack those two if they try to retaliate." I ordered the zubats, and they happily followed. The five zubats that was injured was already patched up with Beedrill's help but still needed some healing. Drinking blood will do the work.

"What are you doing!? Don't come any closer!" The boy shouted.

"Please, don't kill me!" The girl shouted.

"Zubats don't kill the two but only drink some blood. Remember that or I'll let Golbat here punish all of you." I told to the zubats making them screech while shivering.

"No, sto- Ah!" The boy tried to fight back but five zubats bite at him at the same time. He tried to remove the zubats but was unable to do so.

After drinking some blood to the boy, he fainted. The five zubats then changed target then started drinking on the girls blood.

"Please, don't- Ahh!" The girl shouted in horror while tears was coming out of her eyes. Well, I did warned them but they're persistent to steal my food and water.

They are even lucky I warned them to stop instead of immediately killing them. For once, I was being nice but they took me for granted.

The girl soon fainted, and the zubats stopped drinking her blood. They both looked malnourished, they don't seem to have any survival skills for this trials. I don't blame them though since who will practice survival skills when one is only this young.

"Zubats, go bring the girl and boy to a corner of the cave. Guard those two, and give them a beating when they try to escape or attack you. I also need five zubats to clean these two corpses of pokemon. Eat them or throw them, I don't care. Just clean this mess up." I told to the zubats, and they quickly followed my orders.