Chapter 69

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


I was eating some of the berries when suddenly I heard one of the kids waking up. It was the boy, and he looked confused once he woke up.

"So, you're awake. What's your name?" I asked him. He looks startled from hearing my voice. He tried to stand up and run but stopped once he saw the zubats surrounding him.

"Don't even think about escaping. These zubats will quickly kill you if you attempt it. Now, answer my question from earlier." I told him while eating a berry.

"I'm G-gene." He answered with fear.

"Alright, then this girl is Gina." I replied while pointing at the sleeping girl. The boy did not answered, and I frowned at that.

"You need to answer when I asked you a question. Zubats go teach this kid the consequences of disobeying me." I told the zubats, and the little guys got excited from that. Immediately, 15 zubats flew towards the kid and bit him at the same time.

"Ahh! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" The kid shouted. I didn't listen to him, and just let the zubats drink at the kids blood for a few seconds then let them stop.

"Will you answer me this time?" I asked him. His body was full of bite marks, and he looks like he'll faint within a few minutes.

"Y-yes…" He quietly answered.

"Good. Here eat and drink these." I told him while I pass him some berries along with one of the water contained inside the coconut shaped berries.

Gene quickly took it, and stuffed his mouth with the berries. Because of his actions, he choked on the berries resulting in him drinking the water after.

"You'll receive food and water everyday but you have to work for me. If you refuse this then I don't have any use for you. You know what that means, right?" I told him while looking at my zubats after he finished the food and water.

"Yes, sir!" He answered immediately with a horrified look.

"Good. Then go and study those berries. You have to remember how those berries look. Tomorrow, you'll be going out along with five other zubats. If you escape, well let's just say you'll only get yourself killed. You don't have any pokemon in you, and your only way of survival is staying here to serve me." I told him seriously.

Gene listened to me, and stayed quietly after a few seconds. He then nodded then started to go towards the berries.


A few hours after, the girl named Gina woke up. She was consoled by Gene which was apparently her brother. How lucky of them to be able to meet this early but also unfortunate to meet me.

The girl didn't face the same fate as her brother. She was able to understand her situation thanks to Gene, and started to study the berries I have after she ate.


Days passed, and a month has passed with me just staying at the cave. Gene and Gina was responsible in getting my food. I made them go out of the forest individually, I can't have them going together since they might talk and plan about escaping.

Because of this, I was able to smoothly train in using my Spirit Body. I was practicing my Spirit Body while the two are distracted by the zubats. I did this by letting them get confused by Golbat. They became a great way for Golbat to practice his Confuse Ray.

I did not try to find Mark yet since I still have time. After 8 months and 2 weeks, I'll try to search for him if I don't encounter him by then.

For now, I just plan to go train my pokemon and I. Repetitive training is boring but I have no choice but to do this. My daily routine will be going out of the cave with either Beedrill or Golbat to hunt every pokemon we can in the morning. In the afternoon, we'll return back to the cave to practice. I practice in using the Spirit Body while my pokemon practice in using the moves they are mastering.


Time passed by, and the only thing worth mentioning in this time is me getting 3 more new slaves. I got three new slaves which was named Olive, Walter, and Mary.

They are a group of three, and they tried to steal the food and water I collected. Sadly for them, I have stronger pokemon. Beedrill handled their pokemon which she stabbed them with Drill Run. It was an easy win and I disciplined them with the zubats after.

Another thing which is worth mentiong is Golbat and Beedrill mastering the moves I made them to train. Golbat was able to perfectly master his Confuse Ray.

Now, the Confuse Ray has a wider range. It also made Golbat use it without using much of his energy. He can also use the move together with another effect. One thing, I like is him being able to use Confuse Ray together with another move. He can use it while using Agility. This will force the enemy to dodge the Confuse Ray without being able to stop Golbat in using Agility or any other moves.

For Beedrill, her Focus Energy can increase her critical ratio to four stages. In the game, having a critical ratio buffed to four stages means always being able to hit with critical hits. Unfortunately in here, she only has a chance of hitting a critical hit by 85%. It was still a huge difference compared to before.

Also, she can move now while using Focus Energy. Before Beedrill needs to stop for a moment to use Focus Energy but now she can move while using the move. She can even use a move together with it but she has to stop for a moment to use moves at the same time. This is also applicable to Golbat.

Both of them even reached the power level of Intermediate Level (2nd tier). While for me, I have mastered in using the Spirit Body for 10 minutes. It was harder to increase the duration of usage as I improve.