Chapter 71

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


With Beedrill's Drill Run, the five pokemon got completely wiped out and killed. The five confident idiots was looking at their dead pokemon with horrified looks.



"My Gloom!"



All of them was shouting while running towards their pokemon's corpses. I can't blamed them though but they should have chosen a different opponent than me. They overestimated themselves but the question is how did they know my name.

"Golbat, kill everyone but leave one of them alive." I ordered and Golbat screeched then hit four of the children with Air Slash cutting them in half. Blood splatter around, and painted the remaining one with red.

"Ahh! Please don't kill me!" The remaining kid cried.

"How did you know my name? Answer me or I'll let Golbat cut you in half like those four." I told him with a threatening voice.

"W-we w-were ordered to k-kill you b-by Elder C-cane." He answered.

An elder ordered to kill me? It seems like the situation I did not want to happen is happening. I don't want to attract attention but I already did. That elder must see me as an obstacle for the upcoming disciple contest.

"Why would he want to kill me?" I asked him even though I already know the answer.

"I-I don't know." He answered.

"Hmm… How did he managed to order those from the other sub branches?" I asked. I was curious how he managed to do that. As far as I know the adult clan members are observing every one of us then I'm sure they are hearing this right now.

If this is the case then that Elder Cane will be punished for planning this or maybe he won't be. He might have bribed the adult clan member observing us to keep a closed eye at this.

"I-I don't know." The kid answered. What a useless brat. Better to just kill this kid then. It's amazing how this Elder Cane can go through this lengths just to get rid of me. Well, I don't blame him. I am a great threat to him for the Grand Elder position considering my fast growth.

"Golbat, kill this brat. I don't have any further use for him." I said and Golbat did that.

"As for you, the one observing us. I would recommend reporting this to clan that this Elder Cane was targeting me. If you don't, I'll let Elder Moi make your life miserable. I'm her disciple after all." I said to convince the one watching over me to act accordingly or else he/she will suffer the consequences.


After that short event, I went towards the swamps. I plan to hunt the Gloom I saw earlier for more points. I might even see that brat Mark while I'm at it.

I quickly found the Gloom and made Beedrill finish the group quickly. After that, I started my massacre at the swamp. We killed every pokemon I encountered in there, and only stopped when it was almost dark.

"Let's go find a resting place for the day." I said then left the swamps to look for a better place to stay at.


Two weeks passed, and finally we are successful in finding the brat. I was following the kid behind him with the help of Golbat. It was time to kill the brat's pokemon.

The Nidoran evolved, and was now a Nidorino. It also has the same power level as those of the pokemon that tried to kill me before. It was weak and I have no problem in killing that pokemon.

"Let's go and appear before them." I told my pokemon. I don't want to use a sneak attack on the brat. I want to make sure he sees the difference between us.

"Hello, Mark!" I shouted while waving my hands at him. The brat looks stressed and dirty. He looks like cave man or something but I can't judge since I did not took a decent bath since this trial started.

"What do you want!?" He shouted with a frown. His Nidorino then took a defensive stance to defend his trainer.

"Nothing. I just want to take what you own me." I told him with a smile.

"What do I own from an outcast like you!?" He shouted. He is still that loud mouth that he used to be.

"Of course, it's your life!" I replied then gestured Beedrill to attack.

"Nidorino, use-!" The brat was about to order his pokemon but Beedrill was faster and used Drill Run with Focus Energy.

The Nidorino stood no chance and was killed with a single hit. Beedrill was lucky and even made a critical hit which triggered her Sniper ability making further damage. Beedrill's stinger was penetrating Nidorino's stomach, and she removed it showing a big hole on the dead pokemon's stomach.

"Nidorino!" The brat shouted then run towards his pokemon.

"You devil! How can you kill my pokemon!" The brat shouted with hatred.

"Says the one who gave me a hard life. You deserve it, and this is not even the end for what I'm about to do. Golbat knock the kid out." I replied. Golbat screeched then hit the kids head with his wings.

"Let's tie him up then start the torture later." I said then started to tie the kid up with the made up rope I prepared before.


Since I have been exploring the island for quite some time, I have found many caves which I can use to stay in. I made my way towards one of those caves, and made myself ready for the fun.

My first part of the torture will be taking out his nails one by one then breaking his fingers one at a time. Next would be cutting apart those broken fingers one at a time. After that, I'll make him eat those fingers.

The next part would be making him a punching bag. I have to break every ribs that I can break. Then the burning ceremony will commence. I want to give him burns but not enough to kill him.

I'll then cut off his body little by little then let him die by letting Golbat suck him dry.