Chapter 72

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


A week has passed by while I was just enjoying myself torturing the poor brat. He was currently laying on the floor with empty eye sockets and limbless body. His body is also dried up and wrinkled because of Golbat sucking his blood. Looking at my work makes me feel nothing. It was satisfying to get my revenge at first but now I felt nothing from it. It was like a waste of time, maybe I should have just not done it.

"Golbat, go and burn the body." I told him as I and Beedrill go out of the cave we are staying.

After a few seconds, Golbat went out too and gave me a screech. Smoke was getting out of the cave and it was a horrible smell making me want to get out of here immediately.

"Let's go and hunt every wild pokemon we encounter." I told to the two. My next goal for this trial is to do a killing spree to make sure I'll get the reward.

My two pokemon replied with a screeching and drilling sound. After hearing that, I walked into the forest again to start my plan.


There is only a week remaining before the trial ends. I also turned 6 recently and I can say nothing eventful happened except me and my pokemon hunting wild pokemon.

I also planned the next move that my pokemon will focus on mastering on which was a few months ago. For Golbat, I want him to master Quick Attack. It was a simple move but I still want him to master it. What if that move is able to be active for a long duration? Then Golbat will be able to move at a fast speed.

As for Beedrill, I want her to learn another status boosting move. I want her to focus on Agility next. I plan to let Beedrill master Focus Energy, Agility, Iron Defense, Sword Dance, Double Team, and Roost. I can't help but imagine how great Beedrill will get after she master all of these moves.

As for me, I managed to increase the duration of my Spirit Body to 12 minutes. It was a small improvement but still an improvement nonetheless.

For the past months, I just hunted as many wild pokemon as I can. I also tried to not encounter any other competitors. I don't want to kill others when I can just avoid doing that.

With only a week left before the trial ends, I hasten my pace to hunt as many wild pokemon as I can. I noticed how the number of wild pokemon are dwindling now. It must be because of my actions together with the other surviving clan kids in the island.

I'm confident that I'll win the 1st place in the ranking but I still tried to hunt as many wild pokemon as I can. Maybe I can impress the main clan by doing this and reward me with a better one prize.


And just like that a week passed, I was exhausted with how much hunting I did but still have enough energy for the second trial. The last thing I have to do is kill another child then I'm done with this boring and bloody trial.

Currently, I was resting while laying my back on a tree. Golbat and Beedrill is the same. I was curious why Golbat has not evolved yet, I asked him about that since I can feel that he will evolve anytime from the past months.

When I was asking him about that, Golbat will cross his wings at me as if he was saying he won't evolve yet. I don't know why he is stopping his evolution but he must have a reason for that. I allowed him to do what he wants because he knows his own body better than me.

While I was thinking about this, a person landed in front of us. It was a Crobat together with a man and it was one of the clan members from before.

"I'm here to take you back to the main camp." He plainly said and I nodded at him. I then returned my pokemon inside their pokeball. The man then blindfolded me and carried me.

I then felt the man riding the Crobat, and soon felt the wind brushing on my face. A few moments later, I can feel us landing on the ground again. The man carrying me then put me on the ground. He then started to remove my blindfold.

Once he removed it, I noticed that we are back to the place where we arrived from before. I looked around us and saw a battle ring infront of us. This was not here before and they must have made this recently for the second part of the trial.

"Fall in line together with the rest of the survivors." The man said while pointing on a line where 5 children was. I nodded at him then joined those kids.

The kids was looking at each other with hostile eyes. They did the same to me and I did the same by giving them hostile eyes back. These guys must have experienced many horrible things for a year. Well, it's natural when everyone is an potential enemy to kill you anytime.

Nothing happened much but wait for the other survivors to arrive. 25 other kids returned back before the elder from before appeared infront of us.

"Only a few kids survived this time unlike the trials from before. One of you did a great number of killing, this is the reason why only a few survived than we expected." The Elder Moong said while looking at my direction. I only killed a total of 11 children and the 12th one will be next in the second part.

"We actually prepared a second part for the trial but with this pitiful number of survivors the main clan has decided to not continue it." The old man said while sighing then looking at me again. It's not my fault that this happened why is he always looking at me as if it was my fault.

"Another thing that happened is the number of wild pokemon dwindling in great numbers." The old man said again while looking at my direction. What's this old fart's problem with me? I only killed many pokemon so I can secure the 1st place, it's not my fault from following the rules.