'I love you'

Lucas thought his heart stopped beating when he didn't find her. Did he make any mistake by exposing Mark openly? Will she hate me because he didn't listen to her? Will she leave me? many thoughts came in his mind at the very moment.

Her still body was making him loose his sanity. She stood there like a statues when he hugged her.

When she didn't responded to anything he spoke inhaling her fragrance," Sunshine...are you angry t-that I didn't l-listen to you... and just went ahead with my plan of exposing him in public" he said and pulled back looking her with concern eyes. Lucas was nervous because her silence was killing him.

Elena saw his fearful eyes that were eagerly waiting for her to speak at least once.  " Why was this man so cute, even now he is thinking that I'm angry with him" she thought and moved forward to kiss him.