
Elena was sleeping with a light smile on her face. Yesterday after their confession night ,they spend their time cuddling in each others arms and watching the city lights. Lucas came to drop her home and was not letting her go. After coaxing him for long time, he finally went back with the sad face.

Elena was having a beautiful dream ,when her phone started ringing. Barely opening her eyes she took the call and spoke in her sleepy voice," Hello who's this?" she was so sleepy that she didn't see the caller id.

"Sunshine did you forget me after our confession night?" Lucas voice came as disbelief. Did she really not recognize his voice...

"Lucas can you please let me sleep.." she said getting irritated. He has been calling her after every two hours disturbing her sleep. A while before she slept he had texted her, when she asked him to stop calling getting pissed. Its was only 7am and again he started calling her.