Too hard

[Mature Content]

Lucas kept kissing her until he tasted all of her sweet mouth. His kiss started travelling from her jaw line to her collar bone sucking and biting it. Elena was enjoying his way of art, as her hands kept caressing his hair pulling him closer to her.

His one hand went inside her top as it search for his way to her breast. Finding his master his hand pressed her b. o. o. b. s making her gasp in pleasure ,as he went back capturing her mouth kissing her senselessly.

His one hand was molding her breast while the other was holding her head pulling her into his mouth. She was the most delicious dessert he had tasted in his life entire life.

Leaving her mouth, he pushed the files making them fall on the floor and made her lay on the the table .He took her shirt up exposing her stomach. It was his most loveable part of her body, her bellybutton.