Sick Lucas

Lucas was in a deep slumber unknown to the surrounding around him. Daniel came to see his brother, who was burning with high fever. He checked him and prescribed some medicine to get his fever down. Daniel knew his brother hardly got sick and today he must have over worked which stressed him a lot to fall ill.

After checking his brother, Daniel left the place leaving him under Elena's care. He called his uncle, but his phone was switched off, still he sent him a message to let him know about Lucas health.

Elena was sitting next to Lucas not leaving him alone for a second. This was the first time she had seen him so weak and vulnerable. She asked the maid to bring a bowl of cold water and a small napkin, so she could keep them on his forehead.

Elena was keeping the wet napkin on his forehead, when she saw him frowning as his breathing became heavy. Lucas was again having a dream and he was mumbling something which Elena couldn't understand.