Meeting with in-laws

Elena had her dinner at Lucas place, she was already late as Lucas was acting like a stubborn kid not wanting to eat and not ready to drink the medicine. By now she knew that this man was hell stubborn and didn't like any kind of medicines.

"Sunshine please stay with me for tonight" he whined like a naughty kid and followed her behind everywhere.

"No.. Lucas it's not okay for me stay here. I even have to help mother with tomorrows preparation" she said taking her handbag.

Taking her phone out she saw her mother's missed calls," God.. I didn't call mom informing her that I will be late" she cursed herself before rushing out from his room in hurry.

Lucas followed her like a lovesick puppy," Sunshine, wait I will ask the driver to drive you home" he held her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"Don't run. Let my driver take you home" he stopped her and called the driver telling him to drive her to her house.