Lucas passed the test

"Will you love my daughter as you claim to be" Henry said.

Lucas looked at Henry, he could see that a father is only assuring himself that she have fallen for a nice person. He took a deep breathe before he started speaking.....

"Sir...This heart of mine already belonged to her years ago, she took it unknowingly from me. I know my reputation as a person was not good, but trust me there is no one except her would would skip a beat of my heart. I love her with all I have....and I promise to cherish her the way you have loved her from her birth" Lucas said without taking any break. He poured his heart out and didn't feel ashamed in accepting what he felt for her.

Lucas had already set in his mind that, he would do anything to make her parents accept him even if they ask him to become a housekeeper in their house. He was ready to become anything just to have Elena by his side.