[Bonus chapter]The new family

Everyone had their lunch, whereas Blake left the house because he was tired of the travelling. Henry and Julian left the couple alone to have their private time.

Standing in the small garden, Elena and Lucas were watching the flowers her father had planted. Lucas was happy, finally he had made her parents accept his love for their daughter. He never thought that her parents and his parents were childhood friends, but whatever it is, he was happy that his Sunshine will be with him always.

Elena was watering the plants when Lucas came had hug her from behind. Placing his chin on her shoulder he inhaled the smell of the flowers," They smell just like you" he smiled pulling her to him.

Elena smiled at his words," I smell just like them, you should say that" she corrected and turn to look at him.

Lucas wanted to grasp this moment with her, she was the most beautiful girl he had come across to and the only girl who had made his heart beat.