It's him

"You came?" his voice startled her in surprise.

"How did you know I came?" she asked, when she saw him waking to her.

"I can feel your presence sunshine" he said and bend down to inhale her fresh after bath fragrance.

Elena tilted her head a little to give him access, as his breathe fanned her neck. He slowly kissed her there before pulling back," You smell like heaven sunshine" his husky voice send chills to her spine, when he bore into her eyes and smile Elena feels her world lightens up.

Elena was brought out from her trance, when the fresh toasted smell of the bread reached her nostril," Did you made the breakfast?" she smiled and asked him.

He nodded in yes and held her wrist," Come help me in setting the table" he said taking her to the kitchen counter.

"As for now, I only know to make your favorite sandwich but promise.. I will learn to cook you favorite dishes soon" he said pulling the chair for her and making her sit.