Mysterious girl

Elena didn't knew that she would let her emotions take control over her calm mind.

Yes! she felt envious about Natasha. The way she looked at him made her feel bitter in her heart. She couldn't explain what her mind was thinking the moment she openly said what she felt. She knew this man would never betray her but.. she couldn't trust any girl.

Lucas kept looking at her for a while, she was lost in her own thoughts. He caressed her cheeks with his thumb and spoke again," Sunshine, say something".

Elena was brought back from her thoughts when she heard his plea. She looked at his face which was waiting for her to talk to him.

"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that" she stammered making him frown. 

Lucas wanted to know what was making her think so much, he wanted to hear it out loud, what made her feel insecure.

"Sunshine.. what are you thinking?" he asked as he couldn't take her silence.