His phobia

Lucas took a few deep breath trying to calm his fear. He exhaled and then looked up at nanny Martha. He blinked a few time to clear his teary vision.

"Nanny.. Sunshine.. she is having menstrual cramp.. please help her to soothe the pain.. Please.." he held her shoulder shaking it vigorously. 

Martha felt relax listening to his words. Earlier when he came, she felt something bad was to listen from the way he acted, but luckily it was not what she was expecting. Thank god it was not something major. She smiled and went to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen table.

"Here have this.." she passed him the glass and asked him to drink it first. Following her words he gulped the water. By the time he finished drinking the water, Martha came to him carrying a hot water bag with her," Here... keep this thing on her stomach and then on the lower back. This will help her to reduce the pain" she said and Lucas took the bag immediately from her hand.