Hormones kick

Next day, Lucas and Elena left from his house to the airport. They had an early flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. Elena was now feeling better as her stomach had stopped paining. Lucas forced her to carry the essential oil along with her, so in any case if her stomach pained, he would massage it for her.

They had to travel for twenty nine hours straight. Ron was waiting for them at the airport. They had booked a first class suite for every one who were going to travel for the shoot. Lucas had a private plane which he had specially book for them to travel.

Lan and Robert had their separate suite while Ron has his separate one next to Lucas just in case if his boss calls him. Walking to their rooms the plane took off. 

Elena had never seen such a luxurious plane. Her boyfriend was too rich than her imagination. Their next generation would have a stress less life without working for a penny.