Married Couple...

After leaving from the Carter's house, Blake left to his mansion where as the couple went on theirs....

Inside the car, the couple were busy cuddling each other without restraining back. They had officially got married and now they didn't bothered if anyone watch them being intimate with each other. 

Elena who was sitting on Lucas lap, and kept playing with his earlobe. She was happy to finally able to convince the most important men in her life. She was very much determine when she had reached her house. As she was busy playing with Lucas when her eyes darted to look outside the window..

"Lucas this is not the way to your penthouse" she looked at the familiar route when she turn her head to look back at him.

"Are we going.." she couldn't finish her words when Lucas nodded confirming her guess.

"Our new home.. our paradise" his hold around her waist tighten as he hide his face in her chest.