Love making

[Mature Content]

Lucas was kissing her very gently when his brother down there started to poke making him hard to be soft. His touch on her lips became rough when he bite her lower lips making her open her mouth. Sliding his tongue, he tangled it with her sensitive one.

As if sucking every ounce of sweetness from her mouth he devoured it without any stop. His hands went to open the zip of her floral red dress pulling it down from her shoulder. 

Leaving her breathless he went to kiss her collarbone as her white skin was exposed to his naked eyes. He nibbled her leaving marks on her shoulder and pulled her dress down exposing her body with only her innerwear. Removing his shirt and pants standing naked in front of her he slowly squat down kneeling on his knees. His eyes never left her face as he kept capturing every damn detail on her face.