[Bonus chapter]Open Market

Lingaa and Cynthia reached the market. Instead of going to their regular supermarket, Cynthia suggested to buy vegetables from open market. Never in his life Lingaa had step his foot in market and not to forget the crowd along with it.

"Cynthia don't you think it's too crowdy" Lingaa stood at the entrance along with Cynthia who looked around the market and smile excitedly.

"It is a bit crowd but see there are so many vegetables and fruits. Come lets get in before it gets finish" she held his hand and drag him inside.

"Do you think with so much in the stock they would finish selling them" he asked walking with her looking around how the venders were shouting marketing their stuffs in the wide space.

"You don't know how talented they are in selling them. And the people around here are also good at bargaining" Cynthia thought it would be better to just dig in before the vegetables they needed end up getting purchased.