Entertain me

"Entertain me Lucas Thomson. I want to feel I'm really inside a club" she walked and took a seat watching how pale her husband looked.

Elena felt his excuses were too lame and unreasonable. Vacating an entire club just so they would only be the one to enjoy was not right. Those who had came for their vacation where here to enjoy and just because of his insecure heart he would not let others to enjoy too.

Lucas felt a bucket of cold water thrown on his head. Like a scared cat he walked and sat next to her. Holding her hand he pursed his lips and smile cheekily," Sunshine why are you scaring me" he said watching her stern face.

He knew there was no escape and what he did she would make him pay for it. Was it wrong to protect her from letting other watch her. He knew his way to act was not sensible but it was not totally wrong too.