Not a bad person

Thomson Mansion

Lucas tucked the boys into their respective cribs and walked back towards the couch picking up the laptop and resting in on his lap.

He had been working with his boys sleeping peacefully. By the time he was fully engrossed in his work Elena walked out taking the shower and headed straight to see both Ryan and David sleeping peacefully.

"Did they disturbed you?" she asked looking at Lucas who didn't even bothered to raise his head for taking a glance at her.

Arching her brow up she walked towards Lucas and stood next to him. She was about to scold him for ignoring her but stopped when her eyes looked at the screen.

"Why are you going through students name from your college directory" she asked knitting her brows when she saw how keenly Lucas was observing the details of every student he studied.

Lucas hands stopped working on the keyboard when he realized Elena was standing right next to him.