Nervous again

Lucas was in deep thought when he came to find about the family belonged to one of the student who was his batchmate.

Ron had gone through a deep detail when Lucas asked him to find every possible information related to the family. After too much of inspection he found out that the people who were in the car where parents to the student with whom Lucas studied.

"Have you found out who that student is who studied with you?" Elena asked because it was the only chance for them to know what exactly happened which made the family leave the city.

Lucas shook his head in disappointment as he couldn't match details that belong to any of the students.

"It feels like everything about them is erased so that no one could come and find them" Lucas dropped his shoulder and leaned back placing his head on the headboard and closed his eyes.

All this searching was becoming more mysterious that kept tangling without them finding a way out from it.