He himself was a father now

Lingaa was left in a deep thought when he found the unknown number from which Cynthia received the call the other day. He tried calling the number but it didn't connect which only conclude that the man had already destroyed the sim.

"How am I suppose to find him" Lingaa let out a frustrating sigh and stood up from his chair.

When he found that Cynthia was betrothal to someone he felt weird kind of feeling surge inside his heart. He knew she wasn't going to follow what was decided back then but he couldn't ignore the fact that someone was behind her.

"There isn't any source which would lead me to him" ruffing his hair in frustration Lingaa felt his brain was going to burst soon.

He was about to punch the wall when the door to his room opened and Cynthia entered in," LINGAA!!" her eyes widen in fear watching him go aggressive.