He isn't ready to listen

Lucas nod his head and turned to leave when Blake stopped him," Will you keep ignoring me Lucas" his voice cracked as he convey it with remorse.

Lucas stopped when he saw how badly his father was regretting for hiding such a big secret from him. He couldn't let him feel his guilt in every passing second.

"I know I kept that secret away from you for so many years but it was all because I wanted to protect you son. I have only you whom I can call as my family... and if I loose you too then I don't know what will happen to me" Blake couldn't hold on his emotion and let it flow.

Lucas who saw him tear up felt it heart squeeze and he strode taking him into a hug. He had never seen his father would breakdown in front of him like this. How can he blame him when he himself was suffocating holding it inside his heart for so long.