Narcissist brother

Drake's cabin

Rachael kept staring at Drake with disbelief when she heard Drake's remorseful voice," How long did you planned to hide from me Rachael" 

Drake who went through various investigation just to confirm his doubt came to learn about Rachael visiting the hospital that day but didn't dare to expose her identity.

He was so shock to see her appearance that made him doubt if she was even taking care of herself. Her bright shinny eyes looked dead and her body looked like she had lost a lot of weight.

The women he use to love wasn't like a blank paper but full of life. But the one sitting in front of him looked someone else.

Rachael kept silent averting her gaze from him. What was she going to tell him, that her life got destroyed the day she left him and married Jasper? or Will tell him that her husband isn't a nice man? or Will she tell him that Sabastian was his- ..