Am I missing something?

Zander eyes turned cold listening her rude words. He wanted to show her what he was capable of doing but he stopped himself because she had helped his sister not once but twice.

Heaving out a sigh Elena stood up from the chair and looked at Zander," I was expecting you to be more considerate in thinking about others situation but after meeting you I don't think you would ever agree. So let it be.. but let me warn Mr. zander Cruise" her voice turned firm and her eyes turned sharp as she looked at him and continued," If you keep this attitude towards Lucas then you would have to face me before harming him... and when I say this I mean it" picking up her bag she turned and exited from the café leaving Zander speechless. 

He never imagined Lucas's wife was just as fierce as he was. He thought her to be an obedient pet who liked to follows her husbands words because that's what Lucas did in the past make every women dance on his words but he was wrong.