Do you mind telling everyone

Samantha had been following Ethan's words and kept her eyes on Laila. She couldn't understand why would Ethan ask her not to sign the papers and wait for him the next in the office.

Sitting on the head chair she looked around the meeting hall and saw the board of members waiting for her to speak. As she was told to announce a sudden meeting by Ethan she did the same and waited for him to come.

Her eyes looked at the questioning gaze and stopped on the one which she found suspicious. Laila being one of the employees and the leader of the IT team was also asked to join the emergency meeting.

"Miss William why did you call us for this sudden meeting?" one of the board members asked.

Samantha who had no clue what was she supposed to answer him kept glancing at the door of the meeting room waiting for Ethan to come as soon as possible.