We made it

The time given for the task had come to an end and all the kids had managed to try their best to do as well as possible.

Nysa gasped when she saw their puzzle was complete from the due time and all she do was squeal in happiness.

"We made it" she jumped with happiness clapping her hands and looking at the other three who looked at her with surprise.

David watched her over exaggerate her excitement and pulled her by her hand and whispered," Have you even contributed your time in it" his blunt words made the girl fume.

So what if she didn't help them still she was a member of the same team and she was proud that they finished the work given to them?

Hannah watched the siblings argue and turn to face Ryan who wasn't complaining about anything, Are they always fighting?" she asked.

"Hmm... just ignore them. They will be fine in no time" he said and looked at the complete puzzle when they heard their teacher's voice.