You stupid girl

Sitting on the couch Lucas was doing some work on his laptop when Elena entered the room. 

After taking care of the kids she let them play with each other and returned to their room.

Sitting next to Lucas she watched his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him. She reached her hand and started playing with his earlobe breaking his attention.

Lucas turned and placed the laptop on the table in front of him and asked," Are you trying to seduce me Sunshine" 

Lucas eyes were fixed on her face and she smiled," What if I am?"

"Then you would be in great trouble because once I start then there isn't turning back. I wouldn't stop even if you ask me to" Lucas pulled her and made her sit on his lap before he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Elena slapped his arm and smiled," You are becoming even more shameless as you are aging" her words made him frown.