The Death of a Humanity : Part 2

The first time Axel woke up, everything had been blurry.

The world was spinning around him. Winds were brushing through his hair a little. Though someone was cradling him, protecting him from the brutal winds around.

Was he in the air? He did not know.

He could not recall what was happening nor what had happened. There was- there was a fire. Red eyes. Kiaran and Rune. Aster was there too. Adreanna with her raining bullets. Was father there too?

Trying to think only made his head hurt. There was a massive pain in his heart that made Axel whimper a little.

The one that held him cooed, drowning him with soft words of reassurance. Axel found warmth and familiarity in between the words alone. Something was forming in his mind, telling him he knew who the person was.

Axel blinked and tried to stare at the person through his messy black locks. He saw two red eyes. Why were they red? Oh, and a kind smile etched on the person's face.